Need TV flexible wall mount for 50'' TV (flex by wall or oblique by corner) *pictures*


Dec 2, 2016

I am buying a 50" Samsung TV soon, and I want to be able to place it on the wall, near the corner, in my living room.
Thing is that I want to be able to flex it to stand paralel to the wall or oblique by the corner, like in this picture:


Could you make me a recommendation on this site, from where I will also buy the TV? I set all the filters, you just need to choose the one that you know that should allow me to flex my PC like in the picture above.

If you have any other tips on where should I set the wall mount on the wall itself, please let me know. I know you gotta do some math depending on the wall mount you got and put it somwhere specific to get it masked properly.
Also, I would really like to be able to tilt the TV downwards a bit.

This is why I want to be able to flex it like that. I got the couch at 5 meters away and the dining table 3 meters away, but a bit to the right:

*Thanks guys!

A model like this, with elbow pointing toward the corner, should work. I would make sure the seller will take it back if it does not fit.

However - check how much that arm can be extended, as it will create bit torsion load on both the joints and the mounting. To try it - ask a child, or a skinny girl (comparable in weight to the TV) to hang off the arm.

The TV weighs 15 kilos. The mounts have recommended weights, so it should be ok. I will check what you recommended later, the site is down atm.