Neumann 147 question or two....



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Greetings... a long-time voiceover guy with studio and have used a Senn
and TLM 103, alternately for most applications.... Usually into my
Great River
Pre but also occasionally also changing things up a bit with my Fearn
Tube pre.

I recently had a fairly good offer (i.e., somewhat below current
retail...) on a
Neumann M147. I would characterize my voice as a middle-baritone...not
bass. Somewhat of a mid-range in music terms I guess.

I've reviewed old comments on this group about the M147 - including
comparisons to the M149.... and views that the capsule in the 147 is
different than that of the 149 - I find the price pretty prohibitive on
the 149 and
question whether it would be that significant an improvement.

In my constant quest to try and optimize signal path for end-use - be
it ready for air .wav/.aif or mp3 or sending tracks for tv post, i've
favored the 416 but would
welcome any fresh thoughts on interesting V.O. mics to look at. Also a
that when working in my metro area's studios the constants seem to be
usual U87 or AKG414... in some cases the newer one. I really liked what
i heard
with the latest 414 - especially it's low self noise.... I also still
have a sort of
affinity for the unique flavor of higher end Neumanns I've had
occasion to work.

Obviously a pretty free-for-all subjective question...but i'd welcome
any input
in any event on the 147 and any alternatives. I have a VO friend in
Europe who
raves about it as his favorite but i don't find that to be a popular
opinion here...
Cheaper alternative ideas also more than welcome, particularly
the 47 or 49 Regards, MarkE
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I think the electronics in the 147 are a shame compared to the mic
Neumann's trying to recreate with it. That being said, the capsule is
fantastic in my opinion.

An alternative for you to look at for VO work (particularly considering
your description of your voice) would be the Lawson L47 + Fet body.
That combo is really the king of male VO work right now imo.
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<> wrote:
>Obviously a pretty free-for-all subjective question...but i'd welcome
>any input
>in any event on the 147 and any alternatives. I have a VO friend in
>Europe who
>raves about it as his favorite but i don't find that to be a popular
>opinion here...
>Cheaper alternative ideas also more than welcome, particularly
>the 47 or 49 Regards, MarkE

The 147 is a much more neutral-sounding mike than what you are used to.
It has less of that "larger than life" character that makes the U87
such a popular mike.

Either that works for you or it doesn't. I like it, but then I still
like the 77DX.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."
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On Tue, 5 Jul 2005 00:26:22 -0400, wrote
(in article <>):

> There are more U87s being used for VO than any other mic in the world,
> for a reason.
> TH

AS much as I like and respect the U 87, I remain curious as to the veracity
of the data behind your assertion.


Ty Ford

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