New Artificial Kidney a Viable Alternative to Dialysis

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[citation][nom]whysobluepandabear[/nom]DING DING DING.....we have a winner! Seriously, how this man gets it, but it escapes the whole lot of you, is just pathetic. Believe it or not, some things are more valuable than money... ...Screw anything you're about to come at me with about being anti-capitalism - I just hold life above all other monetary systems. I know, I'm a terrible person.[/citation]

LOL wtf?! "I just hold life above all other monetary systems" ...Careful you could get hurt if you fall off that high horse... Oh, and "OTHER" monetary systems, life is curency? So you endorse slavery? Yeah, I know nitpicking, but i'm nitpicking on ignorant statements from the paragon of morality. There is a reason currency is necessary The whole mess comes simply comes down to the fact people are either givers or takers. If everyone was a giver, it would be great, but all it takes is one if not a few takers to ruin any "all givers system." The simply reality is that there exists horrible people and they prevent many great things, *tear.* Oh and the little jesus comment, Nice straw man there. In your "jesus cures blindness 4 $" scenario, he gains the end result without performing any work, he can do something with nothing. He didn't need any supplies (Someone has to make stuff). If that was the case for everyone, then yes, we would not need capitalism, but that is not how things work for us mere mortals.

You can say that the greatest minds in the world may not care about money, but so what? That is a stupid and pointless to point out. Yes, there are people that exist that would be doctors and scientists without any incentive. Is that enough people doing for the sake of doing good? Not likely, progress takes lots of work. I just want to reality check you here, most people don't do shit for free, so yes capitalism makes sense, or at least (When accepting the reality of human nature) the fundamentals make the best sense yet of any system.

Screw fantasy land. How do you keep people from taking all the benefits of what your noble researchers have? The recieve something for their work right? I mean they have to eat/sleep/drink to live and hopefully not living under a tree. So what stops a bad person from claiming to do research and just take all the benefits without doing anything? Need someone to keep check on them huh? Well, they need the same essentials at least, but wait how do you keep the slacker from taking that position? Oh crap.. I think this is showing signs of something....

Really though, your making a fundamental error by comparing unrelated things. Currency is imaginary, Life is not. Currency truly is only a made up marker for ever changing unit of work. The actual worth or value of anything, is based on the individual person. Is it worth pulling a weed for someone for a dollar? 1,000 weeds?[Don't be silly and say that research isn't work] People decide on the value of work to them and use currency as a place holder for trade of units of work. What your likely truly annoyed with is that it is not right that people take advantage of the fact that people highly value things they need to live, so wretched people will charge far more than the amount of work invested to create the items/service because the person has little choice and call it "Just Doing Business". Whysobluepandabear sounds exactly like those kids that used to be all "Anarchy! Screw the system!" It's a huge waste of time to point out that something isn't perfect. Nothing is perfect, everyone gets that, but if you don't have any better ideas (based in reality) and you're not trying to improve anything (ditto comment) you're wasting your time picking at something like social systems. Of course I guess you're feeling warm and fuzzy up there so it wasn't a complete waste right?
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