New Wheels: GM and Segway Introduce the PUMA

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[citation][nom]JMcEntegart[/nom]Agreed it's a crappy investment. Just to be clear, I'm not a fan of this at all, I just figure rather than wasting this money developing a product that will reach mass production, a "take the subway to work" campaign would likely have been money better spent.[/citation]

I fully agree with you.
But this kind of campaign may not be a good idea for GM... actually it can be GM's nightmare if everybody uses mass public transportation instead of
Looks more like a Hyena to me.
What a dumbass, stoopid idea and waste of time and money .
Someone stop that segway visionary from hanging with GM.
The whole grid, single file sci-fi bit is even more annoying.
Soon theyll want to think up how the whole street lane too is a giant battery and "talks" to each other. Sheesh!

Ever think that maybe they aren't marketing the Puma to the US market? This would go over much better in other countries. We need a better market at the world population than we have at this point. I think the more we can export the better. A large percentage of Americans are way too lazy to take public transit or to ride a bike and it is just not safe with the crime in the larger cities. GM has to start somewhere. Most import owners have it in their shallow minds that the USA car manufacturers make all junk when that is far from the truth. They are actually years ahead of the imports in MPG, reliability, and quality. Most people are just to stupid and close minded to realize the facts though.
Comment to TheJerk

Actually, the economic downturn will cause more people to return to the central city as there is less money available to spend on transportation, and especially since gas prices will continue to rise in real terms. This is actually a very innovative product: It is more fuel-efficient and space-efficient, has zero noise pollution, and zero point-source pollution (electrical generation emissions not withstanding). You can keep mocking it, but the majority of the people did the same thing when the automobile was invented. Most people often don't have the foresight to imagine how important a technological innovation is when they see it. This is much, much different than the original Segway b/c you can seat two people or one person plus limited cargo, plus enclosed to protect one from the elements. Infinitely more useful and practical than the first incarnation.
Segway still trying to sell the technology that has killed two people, one known serious head injury and just for kicks quadriplegic injuries for another. This does not include the numerous lawsuits from face plants and other forms of bodily harm. Consumers have been and will continue to be seriously injured when the Segway malfunctions and suddenly stops without warning or when the tires lose traction due to a twig, a flaw in the road, etc.

GM's vice president says this is going to be safe. Really, like the anti-tip wheels! And he says no air bags and seat belts only for "comfort purpose." Wake up reporters and start reporting on the real problems with the Segway and the harm it has caused. A helmet can't protect you from all head injuries and they are not designed to protect your neck from fracture and potential spinal cord injuries and paralysis.
[citation][nom]true6[/nom] A helmet can't protect you from all head injuries and they are not designed to protect your neck from fracture and potential spinal cord injuries and paralysis.[/citation]

A helmet wont protect you from mental injuries suffered from actually being seen in one of these!
[citation][nom]true6[/nom]Segway still trying to sell the technology that has killed two people, one known serious head injury and just for kicks quadriplegic injuries for another. This does not include the numerous lawsuits from face plants and other forms of bodily harm. [/citation]
Um, not to take the side of SegWank, but do you have any idea how many people are killed in automobile accidents every single day in any given city in the US? How about maimed, paralyzed, etc.?
Projects like this require a major change in the concept of city transportation design. These small designs are smart, but they require dedicated streets that don't intercept with normal traffic. I just can't fathom people driving these next to an suv or tractor trailer. It requires a firm ban on inner city use of large vehicles.

In America people love their cars to much to allow that.

More use of public transportation is possible, but many just prefer their own vehicle / their own time table and freedom.

The two could meet, but it would require a major city to be redesigned or a new city built for it from scratch.
"...more quickly, safely..."
I wouldn't want to see a car or truck ramming this little wheeler.
Besides,it's a numero uno to get stolen!
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