Next Generation iPhone Spotted by Developers

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the iphone has not really attracted my attention... havent really found a good reason to buy one... the app store is nice, but i still view this thing as a ipod touch with gsm built in. as long as there sound is crappy compare to others... like cowon for example ill still look elsewhere for my nerdy audiophile ways :)
[citation][nom]frozenlead[/nom]If it's actually 4G, I'll laugh. Imagine a 4G phone on a network that can hardly support 3G.[/citation]

Nobody ever said it was on the AT&T network...
[citation][nom]khimera2000[/nom]the iphone has not really attracted my attention... havent really found a good reason to buy one... the app store is nice, but i still view this thing as a ipod touch with gsm built in. as long as there sound is crappy compare to others... like cowon for example ill still look elsewhere for my nerdy audiophile ways[/citation]Wow, I have never seen the Cowon S9. That is some piece of hardware right there. Is there anything else like this? Comparison?
they should come out with something new besides just upgrading the cpus by the tiniest bit aswell as the ram it went from 25 to 50mb how bs
But it's a fun toy. It's not for everyone, but I don't know of any other phone on the market right now I would rather have than my iPhone. I am eager to play with the Droid but haven't had a chance yet, but everything else I have used doesn't "feel" the same. I also realize that the iPhone is not for everyone, or even for most people, but for me it is just right. You say it is just a toy? Dang right it it, and that's why I love it. Audio isn't great, but I don't use i as an ipod except for occasionally plugging it into my Jeep to listen to Pandora and it sounds as good as my mp3 CDs running through a high end head unit.

I'm not an Apple fanboy, I don't own anything else made by them. Never bought into the ipod hype or any of that. I'm a PC through and through. But the iPhone is the best phone on the market today...for me.
I have an iPhone 3GS and I still believe it is hands down the best smart phone on the market. Let me rephrase that, I have a JAILBROKEN iPhone 3gs and I believe it is the best phone on the market. If it wasn't for the ruthless sandboxing and limiting of the phone it would be the greatest thing ever. I love my jailbroken phone but I shouldn't be forced to circumvent apples software just so I can have custom icons and extended options and functions that should come with the damn thing, my iPhone can multitask several programs at once seamlessly yet it's not capible without jailbreaking software. I am excited for the day when a phone comes out which bests all of the iPhones capabilities and has a open platform that isn't limited.
I want an IPhone, but for now the motoral Droid is doing fine. Nobody has software that's as integrated as the IPhone. The Droid is a good start plus Verizon's network just plain works. AT&T will never get my business.
It won't be called iPhone 4G because 4G coverage isn't available widely in the slightest. I think there are a couple of 4G towers in the Dallas area and that is really the only place I know of Texas. There might be others but it certainly isn't a vast network at the moment. Indeed it will be the "fourth" generation iPhone (2g,3g,3g) but it won't be called iPhone 4G until it actually launches with 4G radios.

I won't buy another iPhone until there is a redesign. Coming up on that time but if Apple holds off for another year I'll just start going month-to-month with Verizon until I see a phone I really really want. Right now I'm not seeing one. See if Apple can come out with a phone in May that fits the bill.
If it's better I'll buy it. Still the best smart phone going, and I've been using them since the Nokia Communicator (if anybody remembers those bricks which could just barely be crammed into a pocket. And since everyone else still
compares themselves to it, well that says a lot right there. I like the idea of competition and of droid but haven't seen anybody else follow through and actually deliver the goods ... yet.
[citation][nom]AtuBrian[/nom]they should come out with something new besides just upgrading the cpus by the tiniest bit aswell as the ram it went from 25 to 50mb how bs[/citation]

The iphone went from 128mb to 256mb ram. It never had 25mb. 25mb would be the standard in... 2004-2005 maybe. Certainly not when the iphone was released.
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