But it's a fun toy. It's not for everyone, but I don't know of any other phone on the market right now I would rather have than my iPhone. I am eager to play with the Droid but haven't had a chance yet, but everything else I have used doesn't "feel" the same. I also realize that the iPhone is not for everyone, or even for most people, but for me it is just right. You say it is just a toy? Dang right it it, and that's why I love it. Audio isn't great, but I don't use i as an ipod except for occasionally plugging it into my Jeep to listen to Pandora and it sounds as good as my mp3 CDs running through a high end head unit.
I'm not an Apple fanboy, I don't own anything else made by them. Never bought into the ipod hype or any of that. I'm a PC through and through. But the iPhone is the best phone on the market today...for me.