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How do you turn off the IR filter in the D2x?
"Philip Homburg" <> wrote in message
> In article <qRune.1292$>,
> GTO <> wrote:
>>Now that's frustrating to read now a "new" review of a camera that has
>>announced almost one year ago. dpreview was once rather quick in bringing
>>out reviews. Now, there's nothing in this review, which is a surprise.
>>Why is this reviewer anyway stepping unnecessarily on the D2H? He still
>>not understand the subtle difference between CMOS and CCD image sensors.
>>should try to use this brick for IR photography.
> Did you try the D2X without the IR filter? It is bit silly to complain
> about
> the sensor's lack of IR sensitivity when there is an IR-filter in the
> light path to prevent the sensor from responding to that kind of light.
> --
> That was it. Done. The faulty Monk was turned out into the desert where it
> could believe what it liked, including the idea that it had been hard done
> by. It was allowed to keep its horse, since horses were so cheap to make.
> -- Douglas Adams in Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency