Nintendo Goes Big on 3D, Announces 3DS XL Priced at $200

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I bet the CPP peripheral for the regular 3DS will be incompatible with the XL model, as well. Also, what's up with the different colors for each region? Seems stupidly unnecessary.
[citation][nom]berval[/nom]No second circle pad?[/citation]
It's like the PSP all over again! (at least they have the peripheral)
Seriously, whos going to buy this waste of money?
Firstly, Theres no second circle pad as every controller should since 1997
Secondly, the design is just piss poor boring and blocky
Thirdly, any screen larger than the original 3ds with the same resolution just results in bigger pixels with same resolution? Good luck BAHAHAHAH
For 50 bucks more I can get a PS Vita.

I don't like the style of the DS, and at that size, I see more value in better control surfaces then in 3D. Plus I got to play with the Vita's augmented reality setup... that was cool 0.o
This is sort of depressing to me as I was holding out for a updated 3DS. I was so certain it was going to include the second analog stick. While I have no complaints about the bigger screen I would have gladly sacrificed some of that size increase for a second analog. From the looks of the new one that sacrifice may not even be needed as there appears to be room.

Now they will have to come out with a new version of the accessory which will make this thing larger beyond reason while still requiring a battery for the accessory itself. Looks like I am going to be waiting and seeing if they make another version of the 3DS.
They will probably integrate the CPP into a 3rd revision down the line so as not to further upset anyone who bought a 1st gen 3DS. While I would have hoped for it to be integrated into the 3DS XL, screen size was the main reason I was holding out on getting one. I had a DSi XL, and it was really nice compared to the regular DSi. Kinda wish I wouldnt have sold it.
[citation][nom]Darkerson[/nom]They will probably integrate the CPP into a 3rd revision down the line so as not to further upset anyone who bought a 1st gen 3DS. While I would have hoped for it to be integrated into the 3DS XL, screen size was the main reason I was holding out on getting one. I had a DSi XL, and it was really nice compared to the regular DSi. Kinda wish I wouldnt have sold it.[/citation]

I do hope you are right still this means I have quite sometime till I finally replace my DS lite.
If the Vita had a better library of games I would jump ship to Sony but alas this generation of handhelds has been a disappointment thus far.
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