Nintendo's Iwata Not Worried by Microsoft's SmartGlass

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i don't care. I am a gamer. The shift in focus that all of the console companies have towards the casual market just makes them far less appealing to me. Seems like consoles are going to be the gaming devices for kids or your parents. Also sick of buying nintendo consoles for 2 IPs especially when the recent games for those two IPs have been sub par. I doubt any of the three will be able to get me to buy their next gen consoles unless there is something equivalent to the ps3 being the best blu-ray player for the money. PC is clearly the better choice. Even if there is an equivalent motivation to getting a console as the ps3 being the best blu-ray player, and i end up buying the console, i would still buy games for the pc over the console even if the publishers are going to charge the same amount on the PC, because $60 on the PC means more of the money is going towards the developer then if i spent $60 on the console for the same game.
Controller attachment maybe? Then you'd have the whole combo Nintendo is touting but at the same time you could shed the bulk of the added screen when convenient. That's something Nintendo can't do.
Even though it's painful at the moment waiting for the current gen of consoles to be laid to rest, it's probably better that the new ones come out a year+ from now so that they can properly handle the new gaming engines that will be forthcoming which look amazing. As long as they don't skimp too much on the RAM, even the MS and Sony consoles will still be eye candy. Cetainly not retina level as there will be room for improvement, but still less of a visual drag then this generation.

In my estimation, Nintendo's best bet is to have a much shorter life cycle for this coming console, and put another one out in 2015-2016, which would throw the others off balance.
In my opinion, Nintendo needs to be worried about a lot of things. Sure, the Wii is the best selling console in the current gen of consoles but how many of those people are going to buy a WiiU? How many Wii owners were women who just wanted Wii Fit and are not going to be interested in Wii FitU or a fancy new controller? Let's face it, the Wii was a fluke that appealed to many outside of the normal gaming circles. Now Craigslist is full of used Wii consoles and the tech savvy gamers are not happy about what they are hearing about the WiiU's specs. So that leaves only the traditional Nintendo gamers who still enjoy yet another game with "Mario" in the title. Without the draw of the easy motion controls of the Wii that attracted the casual and non-gamer crowd I think the WiiU is going to struggle similar to how the PS3 did early in this generation. Price is about the only thing that could save the WiiU and I'm not sure that Nintendo fully realizes this.
so i got a pc i got 3 diff rez and size screens for 4 years now, and devs cant even put up a map on my 2nd or 3rd screen. it most be a miracle from wii and ms xbox part seeing it must be incredible hard to program. -_-
Gotta love how Microsoft is milking the XBOX 360 still...not. Any real gamer has moved on from these last-gen consoles and onto PC games. This, my friends, is where it's at...the PC. I've known this for years. Developers need to suck it up and develop games that are capable of running on 3-5 year old hardware, and at the same time, will take advantage of cutting-edge technology. That said, I don't own a XBOX 360 and may not, ever. I do have the original XBOX which I don't play any longer. I may purchase the next-gen console...maybe. At this point in time, though, I think OnLive has been on the right track. It's only a matter of time until the majority of the market ditches slower internet speeds and takes advantage of fiber optics (or Google's dark fiber when available), or at least, faster cable.
I don't know how... of course there will be add-on controlers for tablets and smarphones so it will look just like the wiiU but better hardware and multi touch, wii is gonna fail so much this time!
[citation][nom]shloader[/nom]Controller attachment maybe? Then you'd have the whole combo Nintendo is touting but at the same time you could shed the bulk of the added screen when convenient. That's something Nintendo can't do.[/citation]

hmmm...guess you haven't seen the wii U second controller....,news-15431.html

Not that i care for console games systems, I'm just stating that Nintendo already solve that......
Actually, this could play more in Nintendo's favor than anything. With 2 out of the 3 players now investing in a second screen, developers will be more interested in developing multiscreen games. It was just another gimmick for Nintendo, but they won't have a choice now.

The idea of a controller that you plug a phone into is fairly absurd if you really think of the design aspects. How are you going to make a controller that accepts ANY phone comfortably? Is it going to be light and weight balanced properly like the integrated Wii U controller would be? Would developers even utilize multitouch or would they just keep it down to the Wii U's controller specs to port to 2 systems? I don't see extra controls coming out of smart glass anytime soon. They have however cut a couple of the uses for the Wi U, so to say it's no competition at all would be incorrect. If Sony jumped onto this bandwagon on the other hand, they have the PS Vita and produce their own phones with controls, so they could easily put out the proper hardware anytime they wanted.

The "me first" advantage does play into this heavily, and Nintendo's self development assures they will put out games that fully and correctly utilize all aspects of the control device. The Wii U will be the device devs learn and create ideas on. No matter what MS or Sony do, they will be playing catch up. MS has very little to show this year and promises nothing in the way of improving gaming. Sony isn't showing their cards yet either. What this amounts to is everyone thinking Nintendo this year, and wondering if there's any justification for buying a second "new console" next year after they've already bought one. Why buy an XBox that streams media if your Wii U already does it?
smart glass looks interesting, but I still don't know how it will connect. If it will be via online, then the lag will be too much to do much real time manipulation of the game on... but if they connect directly to the console via wifi or BT then they might have something.... but once again you get into the whole which developer will use it? It will be an added cost and they can't be 100% certain that the end user will have the needed equipment. Sure smart phones and tablets are popular, but that doesn't translate to every xbox owner having one.
Targeting your gaming console at everyone else other than gamers? Brilliant!

I hear there's already a device that does EVERYTHING. And it plays games better than the console (who's sole purpose used to be playing games). What was it called? Personal caclulator? Personal Caligula? Shit, can't remember.
[citation][nom]masterofevil22[/nom]Not to mention...u don't have to BUY ANYTHING else that u don't already own to utilize SmartGlass[/citation]

yes you do because not everyone has Tablet or smartphone i know a few who have a 360 but no smartphone or tablet so if anyones wants to take advantage of smartglass they need 360+ tablet or smartphone also add to the fact Microsoft made it clear that ther is limited gameplay functionality in smartglass and SG streams over the internet

the Wii U Console comes with the Wii U Gamepad in ever box and the Wii U console streams audio video and all Data to and from the Gamepad itself so the Wii U does all the processing all the work the GP does none of it .
SmartGlass and WiiU controller should not even attempt to do the same thing. WiiU gives developers a chance to creates new control mechanisms to a game while preserving the traditional ones, it improves the game experience.

SmartGlass on the other hand should not be used as a control scheme, it's just not suitable for something like that. What SmartGlass is great for is bringing a game outside a gaming session, uniting different experiences to a cohesive one, it expands the gaming experience.
"those devices don't have hardware controls and gamers want physical buttons for playing games."
I agree, can you imagine having to put the controller down and pickup your tablet just to pick a menu item?... makes in-game usage not that great... However I'm sure it could be used for other reasons/features.
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