Solved! No advanced grapchic option in bios


Nov 22, 2020
Hello I have Toshiba Portege R830 but when i open bios and go to advanced tab i dont see grapchic option . I want to increase my dedicated video memory bec i have only 64 mb dedicated video memory on intel HD graphics 3000
One option is to download the latest bios since that's a really old computer.

If you are using windows, you can also increase the VRAM through the registry although it's more of a cheat rather than an actual increase since the true amount of vram is managed by windows

Keep in mind that for most integrated graphics cards, the amount of VRAM reported in the Adapter Properties window is completely irrelevant for the actual performance since the system will automatically adjust it on an on-demand basis.
However, some games and other application types will not allow you to run them if you are under the minimum specified VRAM. In this case, you can use...
One option is to download the latest bios since that's a really old computer.

If you are using windows, you can also increase the VRAM through the registry although it's more of a cheat rather than an actual increase since the true amount of vram is managed by windows

Keep in mind that for most integrated graphics cards, the amount of VRAM reported in the Adapter Properties window is completely irrelevant for the actual performance since the system will automatically adjust it on an on-demand basis.
However, some games and other application types will not allow you to run them if you are under the minimum specified VRAM. In this case, you can use a Registry Editor trick to modify the values so that the game will no longer encounter the error. Here’s a quick guide on how to this:
Note: Keep in mind that the following steps are only applicable for integrated GPUs from Intel. Also, this method won’t give you any performance or extra boost in your games/applications this method will only trick the games/applications to run on lower VRAM.
  1. Press Windows key + R to open up a Run box. Then, type “regedit” and hit Enter to open Registry Editor.
  2. Inside Registry Editor, use the left-hand pane to navigate to the following location:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Intel
  3. Right-click on the Intel key and choose New > Key and name it GMM.
  4. With the GMM key selected, move over to the right pane and select New > Dword (32-bit) Value and name it DedicatedSegmentSize.
  5. Double-click on DedicatedSegmentSize, set the Base to Decimal and insert a value from 0 to 512. This value will be the amount of VRAM displayed inside the Adapter Properties menu.
  6. Save the changes and restart your computer to enforce the changes. At the next startup, see if you can start the game without the error.