Solved! No antenna TV channels

Jun 27, 2019
My sharp lc-50lbu591u suddenly shows no antenna channel displays. I've rescanned and the counter shows 82 channels but every channel says "no signal". The guide shows each available channel with current and future programming but no picture. The antenna is in the attic well protected and my other TV's all show the antenna stations fine. I restarted the TV but no change. Help?
Sounds like there is a problem with the built in TV tuner. You can add an external tuner or tuner/DVR. There a high quality ones from Tivo, Channel Master, and Amazon plus many low priced tuners out there.
Jun 27, 2019
All my antenna channels disappeared. I rescanned and found 82. The guide shows them with current and future programs but when you go to s channel it says NO SERVICE , on all channels. All the other TV's show them. I've restarted the system and no help. Any idea?
Jun 27, 2019
I hooked the antenna lead into a small TV and scanned 82 channels and all played with no problem, so the problem isn't in the antenna or the coax leaving the TV itself as the problem.