i performed a factory reset on my tablet after it was stuck on the loading screen and would not turn on all the way. Every since the factory reset no apps that i download will work. When i try to open an app it starts loading and then says it is not responding. Same goes for everything. a few apps have worked, i do have facebook and messenger and a crew app for work that works most of the time but in the middle of sending messages or scrolling through the facebook app it stops working and says "not responding" when i first noticed this after downloading some apps for my daughter, i performed a second factory reset hoping this would solve my problem but it did not. I also downloaded AVAST antivirus and after it finally responded and scanned, it found no threats. Also on my facebook app or even on chrome, no videos will play. and also my chrome app will only work if its the factory version. any updates i perform for chrome causes it to "not respond" I really need help, i really want to download apps for me and my daughter to enjoy like we did before the factory reset. 🙁