No signal monitor or usb except logitech mouse


Feb 26, 2017
Had my PC for a little over 2 years and ran perfectly til now.
In the last week I updated my nvidia drivers and there was a windows update so they may be the cause of the following problems.

This morning my monitor suddenly lost signal as I was running a game (black desert online). It was odd so I powered off and rebooted, upon relaunch of the game after it''s loading screen again monitor lost signal. I Powered off, flipped off the power switch and unplugged the power cable.
I powered on my PC in the evening and lost monitor signal shortly after windows 7 logo just before login screen usually loads, didn't even make it to desktop. I looked online and found many people have this issue but for various reasons.
I rebooted in safe mode, control panel and updated drivers then rebooted. This time windows loaded as normal and I thought the problem was solved. Upon launch of a game (this time world of warcraft) I got to the character login and lost monitor signal on the loading screen.
Upon reboot I now have no signal not even Asus logo or f2/del to enter bios message. Moreover my keyboard(so I can't enter bios via keyboard now) no longer lights up nor does my corsair dongle/headset (all usb dead) except oddly only my logitech mouse lights up so I plugged it into every usb to confirm there is electricity in all the usb ports. I also sometimes get fast beeps when trying to boot. I checked online and there are various reasons so; I removed the ram sticks individually to see if it was corrupted or damaged, sometimes it would beep sometimes not so I can't draw a conclusion. Other people say windows failed to update properly that is what is causing the issue but since I can't enter bios anymore I can't verify that. So I tried to reset the battery via cmos and followed instructions in the hand book and online, this changed nothing. I'm really not sure what else to try.
Ps. Fans and lights on motherboard and cooler all run fine everytime, fan does not seem to be over working and everything sounds smooth and quiet.
Yes - but there is dependency upon how deep into that you wish to get plus having either the necessary tools or access to those tools.

Google "How to troubleshoot a PSU" - for generic information.

Many links available and you can narrow the results by including "Cosair" in the search phrase.

Just be very careful and follow all of the recommended safety precautions.

You can find more information about what is happening via Event Viewer.

Windows logs various informational, warning, and error codes on a continual basis.

You should find some error code(s) that occur just before or at the time the monitor loses signal.

Open Event Viewer and browse about the logs to get a sense of how they are organized and how the log entries are presented. Right-clicking any given entry will provide more details.

Do be aware that some of the logs can be large. You may first see some message that there is no data but then after some moments- any number of entries may appear.

You do not need to immediately react to any given error. Look for patterns, some concensus of errors (e.g., memory related).

Then Google the error and see what you can find.

Again no need to immediately apply some fix that you find. There are many sites that show claiming to fix the problem. Usually for $ or if you download something. Be careful.
Thanks. Aside from '!error service control manager' (event ID 7001) showing multiple times there is a consistant 'information kernel general' followed by 'X Critical kernel power' at the beginning of each event. Browsing the net most people come to the conclusion this is a PSU fault. I know my PSU 450w corsair has cheap capacitors so it could be that, any way to verify it?
Yes - but there is dependency upon how deep into that you wish to get plus having either the necessary tools or access to those tools.

Google "How to troubleshoot a PSU" - for generic information.

Many links available and you can narrow the results by including "Cosair" in the search phrase.

Just be very careful and follow all of the recommended safety precautions.
