Noob needs help, TV to external HDD via router


Jun 1, 2008
Hey, I never been a TV guy, watched every movie on my PC but I moved now and need a TV in my bedroom. Here's what I wish to do:

I want to download videos directly to an HDD that the TV can recognize, so I was thinking to get a router that has an USB port and connect an external HDD to it (mount it right near the router on the wall) and then connect the TV to the router via ethernet.

I didn't buy anything yet but I'm look at this router since I'm pretty disappointed in consumer grade stuff like TP-link, Dlink, Asus and the rest. (I know this has USB 2.0 only but there's no god I need more speed than that for full HD, even 4k).

I want a 40-45inch TV for 1080p only (don't need 4k), it will be only used to play videos from the external HDD and to watch youtube. For this, what specs do I need to look for ? I heard about some usb sticks that can turn any TV into "smart" TV so it has some kind of OS on it. Is that a better thing that buying a ..I don't know samsung smart TV ? (I'm really clueless about TVs).
I'm wondering, will the external HDD attached to the router stay powered on 24/7 and can the router power it via USB or it needs external power? Any 2-3TB HDD will do.

Any suggestions are welcome, thanks!
A router USB port should be able to power a small size external drive. As long as the drive does not come with a power adapter, it should be OK.
As far at the TV seeing the files, if you share them out to your network without a password needed for the sharing (meaning rights to everyone to view the files), the TV should see it. I have an LG TV that picks up all of my shared drives I setup that way with no issues.

Hey, thanks for reply. Could you tell me your TV model, router and which external HDD you use ? I'm not really sure what TV specs I'm looking for, is it only ethernet port and ..what exactly opens youtube on a TV? Must it have android OS ?

I don't use a USB drive with my router, but the sharing is the same as you would do on a computer with most respects. I have a lower end LG 4k TV (was about $700) but brand and model are really not important, any modern smart TV would be able to find your shared files. YouTube would be in the apps the TV has, most if not all "smart" TVs would have YouTube, Netflix, Hulu, etc.. built in. You should get a TV with WiFi not just Ethernet unless you have a way of getting a cable to the TV easily. Ethernet is always best if you can manage the wiring to the TV, but mine is on WiFi and I can stream 1080p video while there are 2-3 other things using WiFi.

Plus many TVs can run videos directly from a drive on a USB port off the TV so you can load up your drive with the movies then just connect it to a TV.

I'll be connecting the TV and the router with a lan cable for sure (it's like 1meter distance only). So I know almost everything now, will research a bit about TV display types. (I guess the option of TN, IPS, VA is there just like with monitors?). Thanks for the help.

The TV sets are different than the computer sets, but yes there are different type screens as far as quality of color and also refresh rates go. Keep an eye out for sets that advertise refresh rates since they may not be the "real" refresh rate but some motion adjustment using the backlight or some other tech to make is seem smoother. This helps explain things a bit If you want a good set, look for a "real" 120 hz" set, although 60 hz is just fine also if you want to spend less to get the major features you want. My set with a real 120 hz setup and a better screen would be closer to 1k than what I paid for it.