On my NEW chinese dual sim mobile "WG6" I tried to conect to near WiFi network. The WiFi signal is good. But opera mini 4.2 DON WORK, facebook DONT WORK, MSN DONT WORK, WAP DONT WORK, google maps DONT WORK...
But the moust unpleseant afther WiFi connection I CAN NOT CALL ANY PHONE NUMBER!!! The mesage is "NOT ALLOWED TO DIAL" I tried: 1-RESTORE FACTORY SETTINGS (but the password in the manual "1122" is wrong); 2-line swiching; 3-changing SIM card; 4-connecting to the computer... AND STILL I HAVE THE SAME MESSAGE!!! ANY HELP?
But the moust unpleseant afther WiFi connection I CAN NOT CALL ANY PHONE NUMBER!!! The mesage is "NOT ALLOWED TO DIAL" I tried: 1-RESTORE FACTORY SETTINGS (but the password in the manual "1122" is wrong); 2-line swiching; 3-changing SIM card; 4-connecting to the computer... AND STILL I HAVE THE SAME MESSAGE!!! ANY HELP?