NVIDIA Driver Kernel has crashed and has recovered successfully(out of options , really.)


May 26, 2016
Im gonna try to keep it short.Alright so I can't even play my one very easy to run fav game which is League of Legends.I see screen stuttering before that happens and then it automatically alt tabs and displays that very well known errror im sure you all are familiar with , and then it suppsoedly recovers but when i try to press reconnect i get this error http://prnt.sc/b8gd52
I have tried to clean install the latest WHQL drivers , jsut yesterday night as a matter of fact.now before y'all say dust n' shit.im gonna stop you right there.I cleaned the laptop , my model is aspire 5750g from acer and my gpu is 540m , and no dust , and installed MX-4 as my thermal paste , much better than the default paste im sure.Maybe i should use some sort of settings i nthe control panel or what ? also thought y'all might find this screeny useful , temperatures not the problem but get it anyway what the hell.http://prnt.sc/b8pry5
not sure what else i should provide. please tell me what i should.
thanks in advance
That thing started happening after i clean installed windows and had installed a very late version of the WHQL drivers.I don't see how that will make any diffrence , but sure thing :>
will update if it happens again