Nvidia Geforce Experience (ShadowPlay)


Nov 13, 2013
Am I the only one who's getting frame drops while having Shadowplay running @ background?
I mean for the first 30-50 minutes of gaming, the fps was fine but after that I keep getting frame drops and sometimes a massive shutter in game such as ; Watch Dogs, AC4 , Dota 2?

What is this shit actually? it keeps getting on my nerves sometimes.
Can I just Uninstall it? (NVIDIA GeForce Experience)

the problem is I didn't turn on the shadowPlay at all..
All I see in my Task Manager is "svchost.exe" using 200mb of my ram. I decided to kill and voila ! The game returns to normal.
No lag, No shutter

strange you have much better card then me and i didnt have that kind of problems when i leave shadow play on i loose maybe 2-3fps and fps are constantly the same

nvm solved this case.
it was my temp actually. so i tweak up my fan profile to fix it