Obama Says iPad, iPod, Xbox, PS3 are Distractions

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Dec 4, 2009
Why is everyone taking this seriously? That is his opinion, and The President is still human. I would be happy to know he isn't wasting tax dollars playing PS3. That is my job.


Feb 5, 2009
As usual, criticism of Obama immediately regurgitates the past arguments of the mental midgets who scream, "Bush did it!" Of course, they cannot defend the current president on his own merits.

China and Iran don't allow anti-government sentiment to be disseminated within the media, and I'm sure Obama will deploy a similar tactic to try to save his a@@.


Nov 10, 2009
"Some of the craziest claims can quickly claim traction," Obama said. "All of this is not only putting new pressures on you, it is putting new pressures on our country and on our democracy."

Understand that what he is saying is that free speech is putting democracy at risk. Free speech and democracy cannot be separated as they directly support each other. Beware this double speak and the man who speaks it!


Dec 16, 2008
[citation][nom]harlequin6791[/nom]Next to the Gov't the educational system is the next most powerful organization in shaping the country. Where do you think most of their indoctrinated followers are farmed from?[/citation]

So your implication is that college educated folks are 'indoctrinated.' That explains the lack of intelligence seen on the far right...thank you for clearing that up.

[citation][nom]harlequin6791[/nom] Putting political views aside tho, you do not give any one person or organization the power to filter what they deem to be the truth. Because shockingly anything that does not fall within their agenda will be classified as lies. If you can not see the outrageous potential of absolute power there then you are blinder than a person with out eyes. When has any government ever been a truthful one? Not to mention it goes against the freedom of speech. Leave it to the readers to chose who they want to get their information from. They don't need a president saying who is right and who is wrong... it's not his place to do so. I'm sure if there was state run news on the Obama Channel.. it would only speak the truth (sarcasm)As for the most humanitarian president.. Seriously? [/citation]

Man, talk about rambling on. What the hell are you talking about? You are saying that the American government has never been truthful...I disagree. We are guided by the principles of our country's founders...those are truths that all American's uphold. It is the role of the government that those 'truths' be upheld. Some will not like it, but that is what you get when you have a democratic state. Also, it is part of the political process that each President puts his stamp on the American culture.

Where and how is 'freedom of speech being violated?'

You say a President does not have the right to say what is right or wrong. It is the president's place to say what is right and what is wrong. He is our leader, and as citizens we look up to our leaders to help guide us...though many times we may disagree, but that is our right. Maybe you need a refresher in modern politics: Nixon said that drugs were bad and created the 'War on Drugs.' Ronnie and Nance also did not like drugs and indoctrinated our children with the 'Just Say No' campaign, and GW did not like where education was going and created 'No Child Left Behind.' Do you have any idea how many billions of dollars have been wasted by these 3 programs alone? Ideas based on the President's belief of what is right or wrong? Funny, I never heard your types coming out and saying a President has no place in saying what is right or wrong then. If you truly believe that, then you are far from being a true blooded American.

[citation][nom]harlequin6791[/nom]The whole helath care thing is a sham. Not to mention that it strips the freedom of choice from those that don't want health care and makes them criminals. It takes from what should be a charitable thing and makes it a law. It should never be a law that I have to be charitable.. sorry it's not your right nor the government's right to make me a better or worse person as they have done the past year. In fact forcing me to donate money to the needy makes me less prone to donate on my own as I have done in the past. Not to mention the means that they passed the bill through due to overwhelming opposition by the people. Ya real humanitarian as he removed my rights whether I wanted to invoke them or not. They were still mine. But now the majority of the nation's right of choice have been sacrificed for the minority. Wonderful.. real humanitarian. There was other ways but this gives them the largest power based on new dependents of their services.There is no.. nor should there be a RIGHT to insurance. I do agree tho that there should be affordable insurance but that's not the government's place to provide it. Anyways this is beside the matter.[/citation]

A sham? It has not even been implemented. Criminals? What specific statutes say that you will be a criminal if you do not have health care? Strips your 'freedom of choice' regarding health care? Wrong, read the fine lines my friend. Overwhelming opposition? Oh you watch FOX. Look at the numbers and the majority of American's want health care, they may not like this bill, but we have to start somewhere.

You are not being forced to be 'charitable' nor are you being force to donate money. Where does the current bill say that? You may be taxed, but we shall see. Funny thing is that I went to a mechanic a couple weeks back and these conservative farts were belly aching about the health care bill and told the proprietor that his costs would sky rocket...when they left he told me of the thousands of dollars he would save a year. It seems that only the 'haves' are complaining. Let me ask you this: do you plan on collecting Social Security, or Medicaid latter on? Maybe now? Does anyone you know collect such? Both are the same thing, and both were met with just as much dissension when they were introduced. I wonder why all of these complainers don't send back their SS checks, and refuse to use Medicaid?

Affordable insurance? It is the governments place to put it into place, because it is the government that gave insurance companies protection from anti-monopoly laws, and these laws are what have made health care so unaffordable. If you are familiar with the bill then you will see that they are starting to address this issue. Break up the insurance companies like we did Ma Bell, and put competitiveness back into it and let capitalism have it's way. I really do not understand why so many people are pro-insurance company when they really do not care about your health...they only care about profits...billions a quarter, and it is our money.

You say there should be no 'right to insurance.' I believe you are wrong. Health care is almost an inalienable right...like housing, clothing, food, work, education, etc. (Are you working to abolish public education? You should.) This does not mean that it should be handed out for free, but citizens should have the right to accessing it if that is their choice. With the current system the insurance companies are the ones who say if you can have access to medical services. Just read the various horror stories of people being denied for various reasons...pre-existing conditions (it will no longer be legal to deny services due to such as provided for in the new bill,) body weight (either born too big or too small), age, etc.


Apr 17, 2009
[citation][nom]Yoder54[/nom]What specifically has the current President said that is misleading information...real data, not mumbo-jumbo hearsay.As a role model I think Obama is a great example of a role model. He has shown the young that any American can rise to the US Presidency. He came from the hood and was not born into wealth, he got an education, and he is raising a family.[/citation]

You asked for it, so here it is:

Obama claims he wrote letter to US Treasurer to try to prevent the housing crisis; but he acted only AFTER he had caused it by blocking McCain's bill
Obama claims he is bipartisan ; Congressional Quarterly shows he voted with his party 97% of the time
Obama's dirty lie scares seniors: falsely claims McCain plans to cut $880 billion from Medicare: "liar liar liar" says Annenberg Factcheck
Obama lies about his mother turning to food stamps AND still sending him to top schools; his grandmother paid for education
Obama lied about being asked to wear dead soldier's bracelet: family had asked Obama to stop wearing it
Obama claimed all new spending is economic plan was self-funding; short by $3.5 Trillion says nonpartisan Tax Policy Center
Obama denied Admiral Mike Mullen had called Obama's Iraqi troop plan "dangerous"; Mullen made comment on Fox in July 2008 according to WaPo
Obama lied about Kissinger's views of diplomacy during first debate; Kissinger confirms the lie
During Debate 1 Obama denied voting to tax some people making $42000 a year: Annenburg Factcheck,org confirms Obama is lying
After Debate 1, Team Obama denied Obama ever said, "Iran's not a threat": Video proves Obama DID say "Iran is NOT a threat."
Obama claims under McCain employers would be taxed on the health care benefits it grants to workers; he's lying
Obama claims only 5% of Americans would see tax increase; he's grossly understating the number of people effected
Obama accuses McCain of lying about Biden being against clean coal; video proves Obama is lying
Obama claims McCain is opposed to abortion in cases of rape or incest; McCain has never held that position.
Obama accuses McCain of making an ad about Obama's vote to approve leaving babies who survive abortion procedures to die; McCain did not make the ad
Obama's ad on abortion claims BHO always supported medical care to protect infants; text of the Bill he supported shows he wanted babies born alive after abortions to be left to die
Obama's ad on abortion uses quotes by journalists who made negative comments about a McCain ad; but Obama is misleading because both journalists have been proven to be incorrect
Obama's lying when he says McCain's ad misstated BHO's Sex Ed for Kindergartners Bill: McCain's ad was accurate; here's the Sex Ed Bill text
Obama and Biden both truncate McCain's comments on the strength of the economy's fundamentals: deliberate distortion
Obama claims under McCain, Elderly would have had Social Security tied up in the Stock market; Newsweek cries BS
Obama claims his opponent will cut social security in half: NOT true; Obama guilty of scare-mongering aimed at Seniors
Obama claimed during the primary he had more Ex President Clinton Foreign Policy advisers than Sen. Clinton; she had 70% more
Obama claimed his father served in World War 2: his Kenyan-born father never served
Obama grossly misquoted Sen. Clinton about her vote on a banking bill; Obama used the false quote to show why voters don't trust Government
Obama claimed employers are more likely to be struck by lightning than be prosecuted for employing illegals; Gov stats prove he's lying
Pushing his Green agenda Obama claimed Japanese Car average 45 mpg fuel efficiency; its actually around 29 mph
Obama disparaged the President saying he hadn't met with auto makers until the sixth year of his presidency; GWB met automakers in April 2003
Obama disparaged the efficiency of our healthcare system saying the U.S. spends twice per capita than other countries: WaPo proves he's lying
Obama claims President Clinton's Labor Secretary said BHO's healthcare plan, "Does more than anybody to reduce costs"; Robert Reich did NOT say it
Obama falsely claimed he won the Michigan Democrat primary: he was not on the ballot
Obama's Spanish language ad lies about McCain's position on immigration; tries to stir race-war: lies debunked by ABC
Obama lies about his interference in Iraqi negotiations; but his campaign admits his treachery
Obama took credit for the economic stimulus package passed in Feb 08; BHO's colleagues on Capitol Hill cry BS
Obama claims Big Oil is ignoring 68 million acres of oil fields they could be drilling; most fields are being worked
Obama claims never questions his opponent's patriotism; asks of McCain "WHICH country first?": ABC says he's questioning McCain's patriotism
Obama claims personal savings rates are lowest since the Great Depression; currently higher than under President Clinton
In the Primaries Obama puffed his resume claiming he was a "Professor"; State Senate bio shows he was not ; he now agrees
When Obama ran for US Senate his web site claimed "5 years as a community organizer"; he admits it was only 3 years
Obama's attack ad in Michigan claims McCain doesn't support loan guarantees for auto-industry. McCain DOES support them
Obama says "if we're STILL in recession when he takes office...etc"; the economy is NOT in recession
Obama claims he signed up for Selective Service when he graduated from High School; records show he did NOT until he'd been at college 1 year
Attacking Palin, Obama has the audacity to claim,"Words mean something; you can't just make things up "; BHO makes stuff up
Obama says the US economy has failed under Bush; World Bank stats proves Obama's been lying; US a world leader in growth, employment, incomes
Obama claims abortion rates have not gone down under the Bush Administration; stats show they have gone down
Obama dismissed Bomber Bill Ayers as "some guy who lives in the neighborhood";they had a close working relationship
Obama used being a first-time-buyer to justify consulting with Rezko before he bought his house; He had already purchased a residence
Obama lies about his support for infanticide; campaign concedes in 2003 he opposed a bill stopping the killing of kids born alive after abortions
To belittle America,Obama exaggerated the growth of the debt under the GWB administration; debunked by WaPo
Obama claims President George W Bush had not left the country before he became President; WaPo confirms he's lied
To promote "green", Obama claimed he drove a vehicle that uses ethanol; GM confirmed the model was NOT ethanol-ready
Obama claimed he was taking his family for a week's rest in Hawaii with no campaigning; scheduled a rally for first day
Obama claims "properly inflating tires" will save as much energy as we could drill offshore; analysis shows not even close
Obama denies accusing McCain of using race against him; ABC, NYT confirm Obama did accuse McCain of making racial attacks
Obama claims he made a substantive call for Germany to help in Iraq; Berlin speech transcript proves he's lying
Obama admits he underestimated the decline in violence from the surge; falsely claimed McCain made same mistake
Obama lied about his father's religious upbringing. Half-brother confirms Obama's father was "RAISED Muslim"
Obama claimed we only made one fundraising trip to Florida during the Primary; Florida papers proved he lied
Obama claims reducing obesity to 80's levels would save Medicaid ONE TRILLION DOLLARS; not even close
To make Iraq/Afghan Wars look bad, Obama claimed demands on Nat Guard personnel hurt flood relief; Guards prove he was lying
Claimed due to overseas commitments, too few helecopters were available to help with Midwest flood relief; now concedes not true
Starting in Iowa, Obama claimed Clinton's healthcare plan would "punish families that couldn't afford healthcare"; NYT calls BS
Obama claims his trip to Europe was non-political: uses video of Berlin speech to raise money within hours
Obama told NBC that during the debate on the surge he said the surge would work in Baghdad; video proves during the debate he said the opposite
Obama told Israeli media that he was a member of the Senate Banking Committee; CNN confirms he's delusional
Obama claims Lou Dobbs caused hate crimes against Latinos to double; the FBI and CNN confirm Obama is lying
Obama promised to filibuster FISA; later Obama voted for FISA and now denies changing his position
Obama denied he accused President Bush of starting the War for political reasons; Russert transcript proves Obama made that false claim
Obama claims there has been substantial job losses from NAFTA; Independent studies show its at least" job neutral"
Obama claimed in Feb 2008 he got 90% of funds from donors giving $25, $50; Fed filings show he got only about a third from donors below $200
Obama claimed in 2004 that he had never supported bringing troops out of Iraq; rare video of 2003 Teamsters rally shows he's lying
Obama's "Dignity" ad claims he "worked his way" thru college and law school; campaign admits only two summer jobs
Obama's "Dignity" ad gives him credit for reducing Welfare rolls by 80%: he's deceptive as he was opposed to Fed Welfare Reform in '96
In Obama's "The Country I love ad," he takes credit for passing a healthcare bill he did NOT vote for
Obama claims he first ran in Chicago as an unendorsed candidate; his '96 election questionnaire proves he had several
Obama claims he wants a vigorous and open debate on the issues: then goes out of his way to avoid it
Trying to claim patriotism, Obama says his grandfather signed up the day after Pearl Harbor; army records disagree
Claims race and party not important to how people vote as they put America first; 93% block vote disproves
On June 5, Obama stated that Israel must remain undivided; June 6 on CNN he reversed his position, but denied he had done so
Promise of $2500 reduction in Healthcare premiums needs billions in Admin cost savings by 2012: not possible
Obama claimed he never prayed in a mosque; his campaign had to retract that statement
Obama dishonestly used endorsements in ads to pump up his healthcare plan
Obama claims he never discussed politics with Pastor; rebutted by photo of Obama with team of lobbyists led by Wright
Obama, an expert at parsing words, claimed he wasn't familiar with the word "Clintonian"; then changed his story
Obama said he'd meet unconditionally with Leader of Iran: now claims he "didn't have Ahmadinejad in mind"
Obama claimed he would using public financing to avoid special interests: WSJ nails his switcheroo
Obama's rhetoric claims more young black men in jail than college: BoJ Stats disprove
Obama claims he never said he was a proponent of single-payer universal healthcare; Video proves he did
Obama claims you dont "rip opponents & leave on roadside," but he did just that to Alice Palmer
Obama omits that Pastor Wright led divestiture campaign from Israel
Obama claims Church not controversial; he knew it was controversial since 86
Obama lied about his intention to take US out of NAFTA
Obamas (B&M) claim poverty growing up: both distort reality
Obama denies meeting Saddam's Auchi; sworn Fed. witness places Obama at undisclosed party for Auchi at Rezkos
Obama claims he passed ethics reform; ABC News shows he lied
Obama says he's consistently opposed NAFTA; in October 2007 he supported expansion to Peru
Obama claims he's above dirty political tricks; Clinton proves he lies
Obama says he did no favors for Rezko;untrue; he lobbied for him
Obama changes story repeatedly with regard to Rezko's help in buying mansion
Obama claims he never supported a ban on handguns; he has twice
Obama claimed would not run for President, as he would not be qualified by 2008: confirmed 3 times to Tim Russert in one 2006 interview
Obama claimed his parents met at Selma civil rights march; Washington Post noted it occurred 4 yrs after Obama's birth
Obama claims courageously opposed war in 2002 during US Senate campaign; He did not announce his senate bid until 2003
Obama claims he passes tough Nuclear Law; NYT uncovers he took Nuclear Industry pay-off and watered down the bill
Obama claimed he didn't know Rezko was corrupt when did a real estate deal with him; Chicago papers prove he lied
Obama claimed he does not accept money from Big Oil: Real Clear Politics proves he lied
obama claimed his State Chair is not a drug company lobbyist; Time magazine cries Bullshit
Obama lied about how much he received in campaign funds from Rezko; forced to significantly increase the amount, twice
Obama claims he did not fill out the 1996 candidate questionaire; Politico proves he lied
Obama denies doubling wife's salary was due to becoming US Senator; omits that, within months, he earmarked $1 million for her hospital
Obama denied meeting Saddam bagman Auchi; now admits he was at his dinner but does not remember talking to him
Obama denied using his church for politics: IRS disagree
Obama claimed he was unaware of Pastor Wrights 911 comments: NYT proved he lied
Obama claimed his father was a goat-herd; actually he was a man of privilige
Obama claims he was not an active muslim as child; Indonesian paper proves he lied
Obama claims father linked to Kennedys; Washington Post proves he lied

Is that good enough, or would you like more? By the way, how does that foot taste?


Nov 3, 2009
No entertainment for you! You people are clinging to your video games or portable media. You should be seeking emancipation by spending you days getting news from sources that agree with me. -- Obama


Feb 16, 2006

Cut and paste much? Yeah, I read those sites, too. I love getting my "news" from the Examiner and other reputable sources. Come on, dude. Listen, I criticize the president as much as anybody, but you're practicing exactly what Obama talked about in the speech (not playing Xbox, but buying into distorted media).

Oh, and by the way, this item? "Obama lied about being asked to wear dead soldier's bracelet: family had asked Obama to stop wearing it"

You've got it wrong. The soldier's name was Sgt. Ryan David Jopek. And you're wrong -- his mother did give Obama the bracelet to wear. Look up the whole story. Obama did not lie about being asked to wear it. Tracy Jopek later asked Obama not to mention her son's name because she didn't want it to become a media spectacle, but she later admitted that she was happy he mentioned her son during the presidential debate in rebuttal to Sen. McCain's bringing up his own bracelet first.

Lord knows there's plenty of things to criticize about this administration, but cherry-picking your points from a "citizen journalism" site and using a blog post from a guy who has no formal journalism training and is just your average pissed off Republican with a blog does nothing to strengthen the case against Obama.


Apr 23, 2010
Thank you jellico!
BTW, it is a lost cause to arguing with some of the “passionate” current president supporters.


Jan 12, 2010
[citation][nom]Tonkyboy[/nom]I am stunned by the US populace's animosity towards probably the most humanitarian President you've ever had. The guy wants to make sure health care is for everyone, and not just those of you that can afford health insurance. Well newsflash, people. There are MILLIONS of Americans who cannot afford health insurance, because they have low paid jobs, or no jobs, and this is 95% through no fault of their own.[/citation]

The fact that someone dropped out of high school to work for minimum wage at McDonalds is no fault of their own? More importantly, why do you feel that it is ANYONE ELSE'S fault to the extent that everyone needs to pay for that person's failures in life?

For the record, it's not that most Americans voted him in, it is that too many WORKING Americans didn't vote against him (or at all), a situation that will not be repeated next go-round at the polls, I assure you.

No financial institution should be bailed out, but we need to let individuals fail also. Otherwise, there is no incentive to push for success in life. We're on our 3rd (4th? 5th? 7th?) generation of professional welfare recipients now, clearly we have gone from HELPING to ENABLING. Another entitlement program is not a step in the right direction.


Jan 12, 2010
By the way, read his entire speech how you want to. Basically he is implying that the only people whose opinions count are "trusted" news sources and professional educators, two groups that he either has some measure of control over or that already share his political slant.


Apr 17, 2009
[citation][nom]robwright[/nom]@JellicoCut and paste much?[/citation]
You know what, that's exactly the point. It took me all of 30 seconds to grab a list of Obama's lies and deceptions, as verified by the various main-stream media sources cited, to refute the crap that Yoder was talking about... he's a poor kid from the hood who ascended to the Presidency, a man of honor and integrity {yata, yata, yata)... The guy is a used-car salesman who scammed his way into the oval office. The whole point is that it doesn't take any significant research to identify his lies, you pretty much just have to wait for him to open his mouth.

Ok, you want more thoughtful analysis? How about this...
Our current national debt is sitting at just under $13 TRILLION (that's 1.3 X 10^13)!! You would need a 44 bits to represent that number (little computer geek there for you). The debt limit is currently just over $14 trillion and will have to be raised again soon. The current GDP of the US is about $14.6 trillion. So, in other words, it would take the entire economic output of the entire country for an entire year to pay off the debt... AND, this guy isn't even close to being done spending!

The Bush administration and Republican congress spent WAY too much during his two terms. However, they were pikers compared to Obama. The Bush administration averaged a deficit (the amount of money needed for the budget that is beyond what the country collects in taxes) of between $400 and $500 billion each year he was in office. And like I said, that was definitely not good. For team Obama, FY2009 had a deficit of $1.9 TRILLION, or between 4 and 5 times the deficit spending of the previous administration. This is NOT SUSTAINABLE!

Here's another bit of economic trivia (this is based on an analysis by Ray Kurzweil)...
Our current deficit spending is damn near 50% of our budget! In other words, half of we we're spending on the federal budget is borrowed (try doing that for a few months and see what happens to you). Traditionally when a country's deficit spending gets to 60%, they are on the path towards hyperinflation (a condition where fiat currency is devalued so quickly it is literally worth less in the afternoon than it is in the morning). Essentially, we are on a path to having the dollar become worthless. Once a country's deficit spending hits about 70%, the point-of-no-return has been reached and hyperinflation is imminent. With the irresponsible spending of the Bush administration, this was predicted to happen sometime around the year 2040. Now that Obama and company are running the show, this figure has been revised to take into account his catastrophically reckless spending... we are now predicted to hit the PNR of hyperinflation in 2017!

I don't care what side of the aisle you're on... that is some scary shit!


Sep 5, 2009
Props to Jumbofrank for quoting from "Strange Brew"

Now for my opinion:
Democrats: You're idiots
Republicans: You're idiots

I wish each side would stop preaching how holier than thou they are when both sides are blatantly corrupt.
OK, not everyone is an idiot and/or corrupt....but you get my point......unless you're an idiot


Apr 3, 2006
"All of this is not only putting new pressures on you, it is putting new pressures on our country and on our democracy."

We don't have a democracy, we have a representative republic...

And might I add a very poor representation it is...

Dirty Durden

Aug 2, 2009
[citation][nom]regulas[/nom]Another lie from Obama, "I don't know how to use a iPod. He gave one to the Queen of England. He also one himself along with his crackberry, "You Lie!"[/citation]
You don't get it, people you needed to listen to his words & not the distraction Obama is providing here. He is not talking about games, Ipads nor iTunes, that is the distraction from his point. He is talking about the free flow of information. He wants us it stop paying attention to what is going on in our Country and what the government is doing. Please people, read the speech out load & ask your self, what if Bush said this. You would be going nuts & so would I.
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