Obama Uses Xbox 360 Video Games to Campaign

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Jun 13, 2007
It's a shame that McCain will never be able to see that billboard. You don't see that many 72 year old Republicans rocking out on XBox Live!


Oct 14, 2008
As the article stated its EA that's accepting the advertising proposals from political candidates, not MS. I for one hate the in game advertising as it is since I've already paid for the product why should I be paying for their advertising as well. I can't wait for the stupid billboards with Obama's mug plastered all over my games now.. gee how fun.

I really wish there could be a lawsuit or an organized ban of such games until the publishers removed such tactics. The games for consoles already have a price premium of 10-20$ over pc games. It used to be because it took extra development time to program for the console. That can't be the case anymore since many games are developed solely for the console. So where is that $20 premium going? straight to the bank... and you still have in game advertising on top of that.. that's bullsh*t.

Drop the price and keep in game adverts.. or keep the price and drop the adverts.. I can't stand EA's tactics


Rockstone1: Shame on Obama? EA is the one giving up space for advertising, so your beef is with EA. BTW: how is Obama F***ing up the country? Have you seen the state of the country right now? Anyway, I digress. I think Hellequin is right, we should get some sort of a discount on the games, if they are going to use in game ads...other than that I have no problem with anyone using media to get their point accross.


Nov 24, 2006
It's amazing how much damage fox news has done to this country. Republicans would be nearly extinct without their bubble of lies. All they have to do is say "fair and balanced" and that every other news source is biased, and that's good enough for their viewers. When a republican does something so bad even they have to report on it, they just accuse themselves of having a liberal bias. People who aren't afraid of the truth will always either vote democrat or not vote at all, if only because they see how much worse the alternative is.


"Recent studies have shown Obama supporters are more likely to garner information or news about the elections than those who support McCain." I find this to be all wrong. I am a McCain supporter and I have kept up with the election. Obama is a screw up and a terriost supporter and they support him. Last time I checked CONGRESS passed the laws that got us where we are and CONGRESS is in the hands of democrats. Not saying some blame is not on Bush, but most is Congress. Trying to turn us into a communist country, when it has been proven over and over again, communist is a failed theory.


May 16, 2008
EA sees money on the table...right next to their self respect and dignity sitting in the circular file on the floor...

and this with the liberal media basis so thick already for this weak duck and having spent 500 million dollars on his campaign.

As for him "f*cking up the country"...socialism, redistribution of wealth, higher taxes, possible appointment of liberal judges to the Supreme Court that will ignore the Constitution, and if you think Bush has been lax on enforcing our borders you don't want to see how porous our borders are going to become with Barry Hussein Obama appointing people to run things.

If you think for a minute that putting more taxes on the oil companies or any business regardless of size for that matter is going to help the country don't understand basic economics. Bottom line production cost increase for any company results in the price increase we all have to pay for any given product. The increase in price is to high for the consumer? That company can not sell product and then fails...those workers lose their jobs.


Sep 2, 2008
[citation][nom]hinkellc[/nom]"Recent studies have shown Obama supporters are more likely to garner information or news about the elections than those who support McCain." I find this to be all wrong. I am a McCain supporter and I have kept up with the election. Obama is a screw up and a terriost supporter and they support him. Last time I checked CONGRESS passed the laws that got us where we are and CONGRESS is in the hands of democrats. Not saying some blame is not on Bush, but most is Congress. Trying to turn us into a communist country, when it has been proven over and over again, communist is a failed theory.[/citation]

Norway is a pretty communistic country. Yet we have power over the government, we ALL have Cars, TV's, food, and roof over our heads. The only thing we do nowadays is fight with Sweden over which country is the best in the world to live in.

But yeah, sure - go and give away all your rights to the corporate duchebags.


Jul 3, 2008
@Hellequin - That $10-20 console game premium is going to help the producers cover the consoles' costs, since both MS & Sony sell their boxes at a loss...

@Hinkellc - Oh, Please... So you know, I'm not an R or a D... That said: all of this slanted political nonsense from both sides needs to stay on Capitol Hill. But, since you're obviously unaware, Democrats JUST got control of CONGRESS (110th Congress, January, 2007) and they "technically" don't even have control of the Senate (it's a 49-49 split with two independents). Republicans have controlled CONGRESS since 1995 so most of the real law-based screw-ups were occurring on the Republican's 13 year long watch...


Oct 14, 2008
@ LAN_deRf_HA... WTF where did that come from? Personally I try to get my news from multiple sources because yes Fox is Conservative biased.. HOWEVER I would have to say the other networks are liberal biased. There is no completely fair and balanced network. It's all slanted BS but in my opinion the liberal outweighs the conservative in pure numbers of broadcasters.

@ reichscythe... I would tend to agree with you on the production costs but those have been lowered and continue to lower as the system matures. I'd rather they keep the system the same price and specs throughout its lifetime than have the games costs $20 premium for each one. You only buy 1 system at a time but you buy multiple games. There wouldn't be any buyers remorse like you get when you buy it and a month later it's $50 cheaper with a larger drive. Also with the current tactics if you buy 15 games at a $20 premium then you just bought yourself another xbox 360 essentially.

Currently MS is making a profit on the hardware due to the advances in production costs. So again it asks why are there premiums for the games?


Sep 20, 2007
[citation][nom]hinkellc[/nom]"Recent studies have shown Obama supporters are more likely to garner information or news about the elections than those who support McCain." I find this to be all wrong. I am a McCain supporter and I have kept up with the election. Obama is a screw up and a terriost supporter and they support him. Last time I checked CONGRESS passed the laws that got us where we are and CONGRESS is in the hands of democrats. Not saying some blame is not on Bush, but most is Congress. Trying to turn us into a communist country, when it has been proven over and over again, communist is a failed theory.[/citation]

Nice way to spin things and ignore recent history. Congress had a majority of republicans since Clinton's second term. They only recently lost the majority last election. The reason why they lost so many seats is because they with Bush started ruing the country. Now that the Democrats have the majority but since Bush has the power to veto anything they come up with the situation just keeps getting worse.

Now either your the sheep that believes such obvious lies or your the one who spreads it to trick others. Because this has been a republican tactic for a long time where when they mess things up lose the majority or presidency and then point out the disasters that they created and say "Look what the democrats are did/doing"


Jun 23, 2006
hinkellc :

"Recent studies have shown Obama supporters are more likely to garner information or news about the elections than those who support McCain." I find this to be all wrong. I am a McCain supporter and I have kept up with the election. Obama is a screw up and a terriost supporter and they support him. Last time I checked CONGRESS passed the laws that got us where we are and CONGRESS is in the hands of democrats. Not saying some blame is not on Bush, but most is Congress. Trying to turn us into a communist country, when it has been proven over and over again, communist is a failed theory.

Where are you from the South, will you ever change or follow others. If Obama was a terrorist or supporter he would of been taken in for interogations by now. Mccains party is a screw up, when your country crumbles to the ground why would you not try another alternative or party. Whats the worst thing that happens another Bush. When you are alreay at rock bottom there is no where else to good. I would not vote on the same party after this when you have someone that will follow the previous mistakes. And you voted Bush in twice how smart is this.


Hogwash I tell you. McCain and Bush are nothing alike. How you forgotten the pretty dirty battle between reps and McCain? Simple minded people, believe what you want. I am voting Rep. The spin and twirl of lies has gotten many.

Reps health care, a joke, Dems health care, a lie. Do your research. Dems want public health care backed by private third parties. the plan will be an all incompassing one, not private plans. Our taxes will bacck the third parties and in a sense, cause of the single health care plan, we all pay for each others medical plans. My taxes will not pay for someone elses health care. Look at Canada, look at Europe. You wanna see our nation hit rock bottom, turn our health care into a socialist one.

Believe what ever you want about change, the fact remains that Obama talks about how Clinton was a great leader and the Dems did such a great job in office. Talking about the past, thats not change, thats a resurection.

Now lets talk about how the failure of the nations banks wasn't a rep problem. The fafct is that anyone, dem or rep that took office after Clinton was screwed. Without proper regulation of the finical matters of the nation and allowing the bubble of imagionary money to grow, we screwed ourselves. Say what you want, this was not cause of the reps. It was mishandeling of our free market and allowing debts to extend past that of what could be backed(ex, income, banks assets, ect).

So before you wave your white flag of change, look a nation that is still great, look at what the past has given us. Why change something that works? We need regulation, thats all.


May 31, 2008
Bullet, you said it yourself. "Reps health care, a joke, Dems health care, a lie." Most reasonable people don't expect much change to health care, regardless of what party wins the presidency. Its all smoke and mirrors on both sides.

The failure of the nations banks wasn't a rep specific problem, however it resulted due to the deregulation they helped support. Even with regulation, it would have happened regardless, since the burst to the housing bubble was inevitable.

In response to Reps criticisms of Obama's proposed policy changes... Reps like to cry "socialist" and "income re-distribution", "this isn't in the spirit of capitalism". Well, what do you call it when the majority of tax cuts are for the rich? Reps don't call it "income redistribution" then, so what is it? I call it sticking it to the poor! The trickle down effect only positively effects workers who build yachts.

Go ahead and vote for one of the Keating Five. Just don't cry to me when he turns out to be worse than Bush.

And, btw, you might want to pick up a history book, and look up what happened to Russia when they invaded Afghanistan. (Hint: It wasn't exactly beneficial to the economic stability of the country.)

As far as the article goes:
-I have no problem with in game advertisements on in game billboards and such. It actually adds to realism in a way, since adding fake adds often yields lame (although sometimes humorous) results. Many seem to object on account that EA pays full price despite making advertising dollars, and I agree its greedy of them not to pass down any benefit to us gamers, but its also not hurting anyone...



Jul 3, 2008
@Hellequin - "...those have been lowered and continue to lower as the system matures...Currently MS is making a profit on the hardware due to the advances in production costs. So again it asks why are there premiums for the games?"

True, about the production costs, but I disagree that they're makin' profit on the boxes...
First, as late as 2Q '07 MS's xbox division was operating at a near $700 million loss. Besides, think about it this way: in 2005 an XBox360 cost $525 (in parts alone) so they were losin' about $125 per each box sold at $300...Now the boxes probably only cost about $270 to build, but they're sellin' the Arcade model for as little as $199--so they're still losin' money on the boxes, albeit at a much smaller percentage per box. Plus, those $525 and $275 figures don't even figure in miscellaneous production costs, shipping, promotion and labor... so I'd wager it's still costing MS a hefty chunk of change even now that the console is in the last 3rd of its cycle. In '07, Robbie Bach said the console wouldn't be profitable until '08...but that was before MS issued that huge charge-off for extended warranties on RROD boxes... so... I'm pretty sure they still need that per-game premium... Not sure of the specific stats on PS3's costs, but I'll bet you at a 100:1 that the situation is worse for Sony because they had to pour so much money into Research and Development...


Jul 3, 2008
[citation][nom]reichscythe[/nom]@Hellequin - "...those have been lowered and continue to lower as the system matures...Currently MS is making a profit on the hardware due to the advances in production costs. So again it asks why are there premiums for the games?"True, about the production costs, but I disagree that they're makin' profit on the boxes... First, as late as 2Q '07 MS's xbox division was operating at a near $700 million loss. Besides, think about it this way: in 2005 an XBox360 cost $525 (in parts alone) so they were losin' about $125 per each box sold at $300...Now the boxes probably only cost about $270 to build, but they're sellin' the Arcade model for as little as $199--so they're still losin' money on the boxes, albeit at a much smaller percentage per box. Plus, those $525 and $275 figures don't even figure in miscellaneous production costs, shipping, promotion and labor... so I'd wager it's still costing MS a hefty chunk of change even now that the console is in the last 3rd of its cycle. In '07, Robbie Bach said the console wouldn't be profitable until '08...but that was before MS issued that huge charge-off for extended warranties on RROD boxes... so... I'm pretty sure they still need that per-game premium... Not sure of the specific stats on PS3's costs, but I'll bet you at a 100:1 that the situation is worse for Sony because they had to pour so much money into Research and Development...[/citation]

Incidentally...keen observation about "buyer's remorse"...


Jun 23, 2006
Bullet, you are correct on needing regulations and lots of it. All america is a greed and a need to screw over another for self gain.

The failure of the nations banks wasn't a rep specific problem, however it resulted due to the deregulation they helped supported....

Bullet I am from Canada and our Health care works and has been. You say you do not want to pay taxes and pay for other peoples health care, this goes back to greed and ones own desire for self gain. You are a country, a nation that is suppose to be there for each other if not then you can fight everyone off.

If you need a $50,000 surgery it is covered. I dont know about you but i do not like people in my community or freinds and relatives saying I am not able to get my fingers sewed back on cause I do not have the money or insurance. It is covered, this is sad for a great nation. When your own people do not care.

With your $5.00 tax conribution it would not be much anyways and business and employers pay the bulk of this.

France has the best health care in the world and job security and wages and it is all covered, would you rather pay high taxes for roads, war and greedy politicains that you do not see go to good use or something you know for sure with benefit everyone.



Mar 14, 2007
So... Wow... look how far we've come just by a simple run of what Obama is doing to help get the young votes (as it is younger adults who are more likely to be playing videogames).

I support Obama because I like his ideas more. Can McCain lead the country, yes. Should he, I say no. Will he, time will tell. I believe that Obama has the better ideas, has move of a chance to hold his promises. I believe he will bring change to the greatest country of the world, our country of the world, the United States of America, one way or another. I believe it is time.

I do, like many of you, appreciate the comforts of the everyday routine, the security of the familiar, the tranquility of repetition. I enjoy them as much as any bloke. But in the spirit of commemoration - whereby those important events of the past, usually associated with someone's death or the end of some awful bloody struggle, are celebrated with a nice holiday - I thought we could mark this November the fourth, a day that is sadly no longer remembered, by taking some time out of our daily lives to sit down and have a little vote.
There are, of course, those who do not want us to vote. I suspect even now orders are being shouted into telephones and men with protest signs will soon be on their way. Why? Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there?
Cruelty and injustice...intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance, coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who's to blame? Well certainly there are those who are more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable. But again, truth be told...if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.
I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn't be? War. Terror. Economics. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you and in your panic, you turned to lies. He promised you order. He promised you peace. And all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.
More than two hundred years ago, great citizens wished to embed the forth of November forever in our memory. Their hope was to remind the world that fairness, justice and freedom are more than words - they are perspectives. So if you've seen nothing, if the crimes of this government remain unknown to you, then I would suggest that you allow the fourth of November to pass unmarked. But if you see what I see, if you feel as I feel, and if you would seek as I seek...then I ask you to stand beside me, 3 weeks from tonight, outside the voting gates. And together, we shall give them a fourth of November that shall never, ever, be forgot!


i think hes going a bit too far. all this just makes him seem desperate. wonder why he is so desperate to win...
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