Solved! Office Outlook 2013 to Outlook 2019

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Feb 12, 2017
Hi, have been using OFFICE 2013 Outlook for quite a while now. It was original marketed to me a more stable and 'progress' from outlook express (which was part of windows).

I have just 'recovered' from another gliche in it however, where it would not open. (something about my SECONDARY email MS account settings not being up to date (fixed just by signing in)). My primary email account also uses the same Program.

Whilst this was down I considered:

  • This is the second or third time in 2 years...this has happened.
  • 'MS Answers' are NOT answering my 'cries' for help.
  • It is old (ish) software, but still supported by MS.

I am thinking that there are alternatives.

- Office 2019 Professional Plus...single purchase (most likely though digital download)...I have the disk for office 2013. Cost btwn $19 & $70, ONCE.

- Standalone Outlook 2019 digitial download.
Also about $19.

- Office 365 ongoing subscription at about $100 a year.

I feel as if a non-subscripton based program would suffice (as I have various cloud accounts and storages)...

Getting to the Office 2019 any better/stable than outlook 2013 (now 2013 is working)?

Whats the low down on standalone outlook vs office 2019 (or office 2013 for that matter)

Appreciate any advises, comments...
If you only use Outlook, there is no need to do an Office 365 sub. I have not found any Outlook version to be more or less stable than another. I use 2007 on my main system still. Best plan is to have backups of your files not try a new Outlook version.
If you only use Outlook, there is no need to do an Office 365 sub. I have not found any Outlook version to be more or less stable than another. I use 2007 on my main system still. Best plan is to have backups of your files not try a new Outlook version.
Hi hang-the-9,
Thanks so much for the response.

I do use other office programs at least once a week...but I see ur point.

Thanks for the advise regarding more recent versions...and I'll ensure on backups (shame we HAVE to) moving forward.


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