Official: Apple's iPad On Sale April 3rd

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Idiots! GET YOUR MONEY!!! (in the "start your engines" voice).

I hear lines are already forming in front of Apple stores. Go on every one, put on an ironic tee shirt, project your smug attitude, and go make camp!
I'd personally buy a ASUS T91, or maybe a MID.

For those of you who don't know, the ASUS T91 is a netbook with tablet's screen. So it does anything a netbook does and also what a tablet does. It is an inch thick, and has less runtime, but it does have more storage, a real keyboard, costs less (check the prices yourself). Too bad other companies doesn't spend more money making hype and convincing the public that they need another piece of technology controlling their lives.

The Mobile Internet devices are also a good alternative. For example the Archos 5 (you can also get it with 3G). It's smaller, can surf the web, has Flash, and so on.
I am getting two, one for my niece, and one for myself. It's a great ebook reader, so much more than Kindle for just $10 more.
It's funny that all of you MS fan-boys had the same negative claims when the iPod came out and now each of you owns an iPod... Talking about being a hypocrite, ha? :)

As Apple innovated MP3 players and Smart-phones, so they will do the same with the e-book and news readers/media tablets.

The ironic part is that Microsoft followed with the Zune player like a lemming once Apple got the niche market.
The same is happening with the iPhone,MS again is following like a brainless Lemming. I really hope Win 7 mobile is something that actually works well, but from what I've seen so far, they need to do some hard work on the GUI and they better offer some great choice of applications.

Lets wait and see what will they come up with to compete with the iPad...

[citation][nom]Euphoria_MK[/nom]Why would you need a HDMI output? It's a freakin e-book reader.....[/citation]

An e-book reader that surfs the web, plays games, plays music, and plays movies...
[citation][nom]Abrahm[/nom]Idiots! GET YOUR MONEY!!! (in the "start your engines" voice).I hear lines are already forming in front of Apple stores. Go on every one, put on an ironic tee shirt, project your smug attitude, and go make camp![/citation]

Nearby business owners were seen chasing away from their store fronts yelling to iPad campers to "Get away from my store you dirty tech hippies."
[citation][nom]Euphoria_MK[/nom]I am getting two, one for my niece, and one for myself. It's a great ebook reader, so much more than Kindle for just $10 more.It's funny that all of you MS fan-boys had the same negative claims when the iPod came out and now each of you owns an iPod... Talking about being a hypocrite, ha? As Apple innovated MP3 players and Smart-phones, so they will do the same with the e-book and news readers/media tablets.The ironic part is that Microsoft followed with the Zune player like a lemming once Apple got the niche market. The same is happening with the iPhone,MS again is following like a brainless Lemming. I really hope Win 7 mobile is something that actually works well, but from what I've seen so far, they need to do some hard work on the GUI and they better offer some great choice of applications.Lets wait and see what will they come up with to compete with the iPad...[/citation]

First of all they have greatly improved the ipod since the first release which was no good. Second this is just a an ipod with a big screen there is absolutely no innovation in it and it really could have had so much more. Apple has to dictate which features people should and shouldn't like. For people to line up to blow $500-$800 for a such a piece is crazy.
[citation][nom]chess[/nom]An e-book reader that surfs the web, plays games, plays music, and plays movies...[/citation]

yeah, exactly my point it's all that and it's only $499.

While you have the kindle for $489 and it's just a black and white e-book reader... With no apps or games...

I would primarily purchase this device so i can have all my textbooks and other books on one place, so I can pick up the iPad and read or study. The other media apps are just a plus....
For viewing movies or playing games I have my Crossfire Desktop which is connected with HDMI to my HDTV...

The IPad is not suppose to replace your laptop or desktop....
Hahaha :) bring on the negative reviews! :) lol you are such a winy kids..... I thought we are expressing our views here and not reviewing other people's opinions. Lol, go on slap a negative mark if it makes you feel better. 😀
There is at least one convertible tablet within/under the Ipad's price range. Guess what, it can also read ebooks (heck, even my calculator has an ebook program). Not to mention you'll have more storage space with a convertible tablet. Now, to be fair, convertible tablets are thicker then the Ipad, and might not have the same runtime (depends on how the runtime is rated), but you can listen to internet radio AND read the ebook too with a convertible tablet.
[citation][nom]Euphoria_MK[/nom]Lol, go on slap a negative mark if it makes you feel better.[/citation]

Ask and ye shall receive!
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