of a memory card, what if I leave the pictures on a memory card for years? What will happen, will it make me loose the pictures forever?
OK, there's our problem. I'm pretty sure that's wrong, unless they're in RAW format and you don't have the software to read it or something.BEst b uy said they cannot be taken off and only the SD card will read it.
OK, there's our problem. I'm pretty sure that's wrong, unless they're in RAW format and you don't have the software to read it or something.BEst b uy said they cannot be taken off and only the SD card will read it.
OK, there's our problem. I'm pretty sure that's wrong, unless they're in RAW format and you don't have the software to read it or something.BEst b uy said they cannot be taken off and only the SD card will read it.
OK, there's our problem. I'm pretty sure that's wrong, unless they're in RAW format and you don't have the software to read it or something.BEst b uy said they cannot be taken off and only the SD card will read it.