danfifepsu31 :
I want my pictures taken off!
NO one knows how to help me, all it is is nothing but guesses.
the memory cards I bought at Target or WAlmart so how long will they last, they are kodiak or Sandisk.
Here is the thing, you have done nothing that anyone has suggested so far correct?
There are two pages of you just going in circles asking what are the chances or this and how long cards should last without doing anything to try to get your pictures.
Until you do something, you pictures will stay in the same limbo they are in now. If you want someone to take your hand and help you do what was suggested, you need to find a tech local to you.
If you post again without any details about what was done so far (try the software from Nikon or an external card ready or take the card to a place that prints out photos), your threads will be deleted as they are wasting everyone time that responds trying to help.