Hi, would it be possible to connect a 3.5 mm jack with a rca audio/video cable to the ext ant port on my old crt t.v.? Can this be used to get cable on my old tv?
shows the adapter that it came with. It had a 300 ohm input to a two position 3.5mm jack. That adapter converted from 300 ohm flat antenna wire to the 3.5mm plug.
I don't know of any of the modulators that have a 300 ohm output. They all have coax 75 ohm. You could add another adapter to convert to 300 ohm, then you have to have 300 ohm flat wire. For what you are doing, zip cord would probably work in place of 300 ohm flat wire.
If you have to buy an RF converter, why is an extra couple $$$ such a big deal for the F-fitting to 3.5mm adapter such a big deal?