Old Stero Receiver New Speakers wanted


Aug 6, 2014
Hi, Looking for assistance and I am not technical at all. I have a very good but old (80's) Home stero receiver. It works GREAT with the old big speakers but I would like to get rid of the big speakers and attach small new speakers. All of the new speakers that I have looked at have a connection with red and white plug in's. My old receiver only has wires that come out of it that go to the speakers. No plug in options (to old). Can I convert this and use new speakers or am I forced to purchase a new receiver?
you need to be more specific....

what receiver do you have? specifically we need to know what the rear panel looks like (link us to a photo or take one and link it here by hosting it on tinypic or other site) and what the manual says about maximum output wattage at what ohm level.

by any chance would you be referring to binding posts like this (female on speaker) http://www.simplyspeakers.com/assets/images/Accessories/RGT-3025.jpg and this (male on cable) http://sewelldirect.com/images/forarticles/bananaplugs/large/bananaplugs017_lg.jpg connectors? typically they are red+black at least here in the usa. you do not need to use them as plug ins and they typically unscrew so that you can use bare wire in them as well.

my guess is that...
you need to be more specific....

what receiver do you have? specifically we need to know what the rear panel looks like (link us to a photo or take one and link it here by hosting it on tinypic or other site) and what the manual says about maximum output wattage at what ohm level.

by any chance would you be referring to binding posts like this (female on speaker) http://www.simplyspeakers.com/assets/images/Accessories/RGT-3025.jpg and this (male on cable) http://sewelldirect.com/images/forarticles/bananaplugs/large/bananaplugs017_lg.jpg connectors? typically they are red+black at least here in the usa. you do not need to use them as plug ins and they typically unscrew so that you can use bare wire in them as well.

my guess is that your current receiver has these type of connectors http://i00.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/1137700358/Clip-amplifier-clamp-font-b-speaker-b-font-font-b-wiring-b-font-clip-font-b.jpg ?


Aug 10, 2014

You can find speakers that will connect. Especially if you like the sound of your vintage receiver you have many choices of speakers. I do have some high end bookshelf speakers for sale here. If interested let me know. yahoo email is audiophile consultant. I will send pics and specs to your inquiry.