Older Flash Player .exe files?


Dec 27, 2012
I want to download either FP 8 or 9 for Win2K Pro, and they MUST be .exe files; if I try to run other file types it never works, and quite frankly I'm at the end of my rope messing with them. I sure hope you guys can help...any ideas?

PS; Adobe doesn't archive any of their older versions in .exe format, and OldApps no longer has FP downloads of any sort.

If you have downloaded and unzipped the files you could try looking in the folder labeled "r42" which is the "fp8_archive" folder. Try executing this file: flashplayer8rd42_win.exe. If I am not mistaken that would be the last release of Flash Player 8. If that doesn't work you can try the flashplayer8rd42_winax.exe file (ax = Active X).
Here is a link to Adobe's archived Flash Players (8 is included in the list) http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/archived-flash-player-versions.html
You will need to scroll down the page a bit to see (under Older Archives). You are correct it, is not archived in an .exe format. This link http://download.cnet.com/1770-20_4-0.html?query=winzip&rpp=10&searchtype=downloads&filter=licenseName%3D%22Free%22%7Cos%3D17%7Cplatform%3DWindows&filterName=licenseName%3DFree%7Cos%3DWindows+2000%7Cplatform%3DWindows will take you to some free "unzipping" programs.


Dec 27, 2012
Thanks Ken, but I've already went that route and got thoroughly frustrated. The thing I hate about zip files is that they always seem to unpack like half a dozen different files; I'm not a computer whiz, I have no idea which one of those files I'm supposed to run to make it work.

If you have downloaded and unzipped the files you could try looking in the folder labeled "r42" which is the "fp8_archive" folder. Try executing this file: flashplayer8rd42_win.exe. If I am not mistaken that would be the last release of Flash Player 8. If that doesn't work you can try the flashplayer8rd42_winax.exe file (ax = Active X).