Onboard vs. Sound Card?


Dec 2, 2014
So I currently use onboard sound, but I get a lot of EMI using analog audio (front or back) and a bit of static if I turn up the volume on USB sound. The analog audio does not output anything except the static and crackling.

I'm wondering if a cheap-ish sound card (something like http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16829132053&cm_re=sound_card-_-29-132-053-_-Product) would fix the whine and crackle of the analog audio and just give me a better sound experience overall?

I asked if anyone knew how to fix the EMI/crackle-whining but got no responses so I guess this is a more direct question.
certainly sounds like an issue with your onboard sound of some sort.

i'd say a soundcard has a good chance of remedying the situation. unlike what i7 says, a soundcard will bypass the onboard so if your onboard is not working correctly it has a good chance of fixing the problem. in fact, one of the biggest reasons for people buying cheap soundcards is to fix broken onboard, buzzing, crackling or other issues.

certainly a cheaper fix than buying a new motherboard.... and makes more sense as well. just upgrading to an alc1150 motherboard doesnt mean you will not have audio issues (even some high end boards have audio problems like crackle).

now, it wouldnt fix buzzing due to things like a ground loop, or an issue with your front panel...

Gigabyte Z97-HD3P. It has ALC887. I cannot currently use the analog audio from my motherboard or the front panel at all, I just hear a ton of static and crackling but nothing else.

Yes, I figured there was a problem with the mobo. My question is if a soundcard would fix this, so I don't have to go without a motherboard for 3 weeks.
If sound isn't coming out of your motherboard audio chip nicely then adding a sound card won't help. You'd still get "EMI/crackle-whining".

A sound card where the motherboard sound chip is working OK but doesn't supply say Dolby Digital or high enough data rate then fair enough.

It comes out of USB without much noticeable static unless the volume is really high. Just doesn't work with analog. It also workes just fine with the speakers on my monitor (using HDMI connection).


You could override your onboard audio by installing a soundcard or a DAC.
certainly sounds like an issue with your onboard sound of some sort.

i'd say a soundcard has a good chance of remedying the situation. unlike what i7 says, a soundcard will bypass the onboard so if your onboard is not working correctly it has a good chance of fixing the problem. in fact, one of the biggest reasons for people buying cheap soundcards is to fix broken onboard, buzzing, crackling or other issues.

certainly a cheaper fix than buying a new motherboard.... and makes more sense as well. just upgrading to an alc1150 motherboard doesnt mean you will not have audio issues (even some high end boards have audio problems like crackle).

now, it wouldnt fix buzzing due to things like a ground loop, or an issue with your front panel jacks, however as you described it seems like the onboard just is not working correctly since you tested the rear of the motherboard as well.

if you're afraid the issue is also EMI from inside the case and are hesitant to go with a slot soundcard, you could always go with an external.

That's what I thought. That's the answer I was looking for. Worst case scenario I have better audio and end up RMA'ing motherboard I guess. Thanks.