Open Source For Windows


Oct 5, 2009
So, I found this site for open source software of all kinds.

I was just wanting to know what off this list everyone would recommend or has experience using. I got a couple of them that are working great, but I don't want to get any more without knowing what's good and what's not.

Thanks in advance, Kris.
SourceForge is a well-known site. I've used Audacity, Firefox, Thunderbird, VideoLan. I've dumped VLan for lack of good directions. I've already been using a lot of freeware for years that I found before discovering SourceForge, so I haven't tried much else.
Oh, and I've also found a few good games there. Pathological is one of the greatest puzzle games I've ever done, and every few years I go back and run through all the levels again.

I've heard good things about Gimp. but i was already using Paint Shop Pro for years when I discovered it. There's a wealth of stuff at Sourceforge, but I try not to clog my computer with programs that have similar functions, so I hope you get some more feedback here.
Update: aside from this website, I found Wax, a free video/audio editor that appears to be fairly powerful. Anyone tried it?

-I don't need anything too powerful, just something to edit youtube videos a little bit and add/edit audio. This program does this, and supports my video format, avi. If anyone has used it and would like to recommend it, let me know.