Optimization of Laptop

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Jun 30, 2016
I have Dell Inspiron with
i7 4th Gen 4210U 2.0-3.1GHz
8GB, nvidia 842M 2GB
My laptop runs very slow even after clean format and it gets noticeably slow in few more days after format where as older and less intensive laptops runs the same programs or games better than me. I have bench-marked my system to check for errors but nothing came up. Although i often hear sound like scratching of disks from inside my laptop even when there is no CDs inside. I suspect its from HDD but am not sure. My stress testing says its 100% fine.
So anyhow I want to know best ways I can optimize laptop and is there any hardware that supports optimization from outside(I have seen somewhere in ads from webpages that there is one but it seemed fake).
Also I saw many videos on youtube that guy plays games like COD Infinite warfare,Mafia 3, The Division etc on i5 4210U,8GB, nvidia 840M 2GB on 25-30fraps but same is not not possible in my configuration. I got around 15-20fraps in Mafia in everything low. I know its not gaming laptop but if he can run it why i can't?


Jun 23, 2014
Which version of windows do you have? If you have a third party anti-virus like Avast, Avira, etc. make sure windows defender is completely off. Run msconfig and prevent any programs that you do not use from booting at startup. Don't fall the "optimization" programs. Make sure scheduled defrag is turned off. Only manually defrag your drive, and see if it needs one. If none of that works, try setting your paging file's initial size to the same size as its maximum size.


Jun 30, 2016
Windows 10 Home edition. I only have window defender installed. I have done the things that you have mentioned but that doesn't explain why my laptop is slow even after format and why the game lags even when very few programs are installed. And what is setting paging file? I don't know so kindly explain it to me.


Aug 26, 2015
Also I want to inform that I was using intel XTU for 2 days now and monitored results closely and it suggests that when I benchmark my CPU its usage goes to 100% but it don't crosses above that when the specified processor(i7 4510U) has 2.0GHz of base frequency and 3.1GHZ of turbo boost. Can I overclock it although I am aware of the face that its not unlocked so overclocking may not be possible, but then too can I achieve anything from processor or nvidia 840M 2Gb?
XTU results shows
current score 333
max frequency 2.90Ghz
max temp 68C


Jul 13, 2015

IT is only a laptop so I reckon you should bung some more memory into it, my Advent lap is the same and I need more memory but cannot get hold of one the same as is plugged in already, so if yours is slow buy some more memory, go to your SYSTEM on your lap and it should tell you the number of the memory you need, most laps have an empty slot for another memory chip tp go into, BUT check on the internet where the second slot is as some laps need a nearly total pull down to get to the second slot.
good luck.


Jun 30, 2016

The results of HDD sentinel says that everything is working excellently. Well I have formatted my system but its not as fast as it should be. It's something that I felt from the time I have prchased it. SO I guess I have to accept as it is and not to bother myself. : (



Jun 30, 2016

I wil. And I also want to inform that using intel XTU I have managed to overclock my cpu. It never ran above 2.9GHz but now it reaches peak of 3.092GHz although there is rise in temp (around 69-70C) but I am using coolpad and its winter time : )
Now I am able to play The Division at more than 30fps for major parts of game a low setting( It's just for extra info)
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