Battery life and power usage are issues faced by all Android users. Even though the Galaxy Note 8’s 3300mAh battery is enough to power the phone for an entire day with moderate usage, there are simple steps that owners can take to get the most out of the phone’s battery. Here we outline 8 tips to optimize the Samsung Galaxy Note 8’s battery life:
1. Use a Darker Theme and Wallpaper
To change the theme and wallpaper go to Settings -> Wallpapers and Themes or by doing a long press on the home page -> Wallpapers and Themes. Darker themes are generally more energy efficient for AMOLED screens since pixels are lit individually to produce images as opposed to backlighting. Therefore opting for a darker theme and wallpaper will draw less power help extend some battery life.

2. Adjust the Screen Timeout
Go to Settings -> Display -> Screen Timeout to adjust the screen timeout. Screen timeout refers to the time it takes your phone to go to sleep when not being used. Keeping the screen timeout short ensures that your display does not remain on for long periods of time thereby draining precious battery life. Setting the timeout to 30 seconds to 1 minute should be more than adequate for most people.

3. Make Use Of The Power Saving Mode And App Power Monitor
Access the Power Saving Mode and App Power Monitor utilities by going to Settings -> Device Maintenance -> Battery. Power saving mode saves power by stopping certain background processes while the App Power Monitor helps users’ identify which apps are consuming the most power and puts background apps to sleep when not in use.

4. Disable Always On Display
Disable this feature by going to Settings -> Lock Screen and Security. The Always On Display, though useful, is known to consume power and drain battery life. It is probably better to disable this feature and check notifications when you unlock your phone.

5. Disable Unneeded Gestures
Turn off unnecessary gestures by going to Settings -> Advanced Features. Gestures require continuously running background processes. Turning off unwanted gestures will disable some of these processes that tend to eat away your battery life over time.

6. Optimize Locations Settings
Configure your location settings by heading to Settings -> Connections -> Location -> Locating method. Many modern apps utilize your phone’s location services. However, location services can slowly drain your battery over time. By adjusting your location settings you can control how apps determine your location. You have the option of switching to Battery Saving Mode or using GPS only.

7. Turn Off Unnecessary Radios
Turn off radios such as NFC and Bluetooth by going to Settings -> Connections. If these radios are not in use then it is best to keep them turned off unless needed.

8. Disable Device Scanning
Disable this feature in Settings -> Connections -> More Connection Settings. Device Scanning allows your phone to connect to nearby devices even if your Bluetooth is switched off. If you do not connect with other devices frequently, it is best to keep these off, unless necessary.