Solved! Outlook 2007 to Outlook 365

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Aug 4, 2015
Two computers -- (1) "Old" and (1) "New".

Old laptop? Fried and nonfunctional. Harddrive from old laptop? Still functional. Now in external sata drive enclosure and linked via USB to new laptop. It's partitioned, and the old laptop came with Windows 10 pre-installed.

New Laptop? Awesome. "Upgraded" to Office 365 which is taking some getting used to.

I did not have the opportunity to create a PST from my outlook 2007 before the old laptop came to it's untimely end.

Question is... Is there a way to re-open this old version of outlook on the new PC and create a PST? I'm hoping for the whole kit-and-caboodle (contacts, emails, folders, etc.)

I hope this was the right location to post this.

I'd love to try the computer thing but I think that's gonna be like 500 at least. I really just need access to contacts and old emails sent for reference.

I tried looking for the OST file via windows search and came up with nothing on the old HD.

On that same drive, the folder users//appdata/local/microsoft/outlook contains only a DAT, OBI, KFL, and 2 "outlook data files" without extensions. I made sure to be able to see hidden files in the folder.

Is one of these the OST and maybe I'm just missing it?

The files should have extensions, but you can also tell if they may be the files by the size. If you have a lot of email they would be many megabytes of even gigabytes in size.
Thanks for the reply. You seem to have an answer for everything. 👍

I’ll take a look when I get back to the rig tonight. If I do find the OST, can I simply import that in 365 like I would with a PST and the older version of office?
Thanks for the reply. You seem to have an answer for everything. 👍

I’ll take a look when I get back to the rig tonight. If I do find the OST, can I simply import that in 365 like I would with a PST and the older version of office?

Not easily but possible

If you really need those files, a solution may be to find a used working model of your laptop and put your drive into it. As long as the system is the same model, the drive would boot fine and you can then export the Excel files into a PST or some other file you can import. A lot of older systems you can find for about $100 or less, maybe it's worth the hassle and time over trying to get the OST imported.
I'd love to try the computer thing but I think that's gonna be like 500 at least. I really just need access to contacts and old emails sent for reference.

I tried looking for the OST file via windows search and came up with nothing on the old HD.

On that same drive, the folder users//appdata/local/microsoft/outlook contains only a DAT, OBI, KFL, and 2 "outlook data files" without extensions. I made sure to be able to see hidden files in the folder.

Is one of these the OST and maybe I'm just missing it?
I'd love to try the computer thing but I think that's gonna be like 500 at least. I really just need access to contacts and old emails sent for reference.

I tried looking for the OST file via windows search and came up with nothing on the old HD.

On that same drive, the folder users//appdata/local/microsoft/outlook contains only a DAT, OBI, KFL, and 2 "outlook data files" without extensions. I made sure to be able to see hidden files in the folder.

Is one of these the OST and maybe I'm just missing it?

The files should have extensions, but you can also tell if they may be the files by the size. If you have a lot of email they would be many megabytes of even gigabytes in size.
I DID find the OST. That was an awesome recommendation. I did a little reasearch and found this recommendation (yours seemed too complicated for my knowledge or too expensive for my wallet, though good recommendations):

Once you've located the PST/OST file, "...within MS Outlook, File >Open & Export>Open Outlook Data File........browse to the pst you copied and select it. You will then have that data file and all its contents, available to view/interact with in the Outlook tree View pane..."

worked pretty well. I was able to salvage the whole thing -- emails, folders, contacts, everything. Thanks for your help, I woulda struggled without.
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