Palm Says Apple is Abusing USB ID to Block Pre

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Don't know about you but having all my music in an open format (MP3) format makes me smile. I hate iToons and never will use it. Ugg that program is horrid.
I love the fact all the apple haters out there trash itune but make no mention of zune software from ms. I guest i am the only who try to sync other media players to the zune software and didn't sync. Palm should also report ms to USB Implementers Forum because zune does not play nice with other media devices also.
No matter what is fair or logical iTunes is an apple application and due to that they can configure it to their spec. Purposefully handicapping or restricting use of certain peripherals within software is nothing new at all. People have become accustomed to accepting iTunes as an open platform simply because of it's widespread use. Is anyone really surprised to see this coming from apple? Bricked iPhone anyone?
apple is being overly selfish here, i mean even if they use another device not apple made, when they buy gets paid anyways.

i for one use itunes because i have an ipod but i don't like the interface. itunes is software that is begging for the Mozilla in FoxTunes.
Am I the only one thinking this is more and more like a monopoly case? What's the difference comparing to Microsoft using their position with windows to force people us IE? I know a lawyer can tell otherwise but to me Apple is doing too much, nothing is perfect including iPhone so why can't the consumer chose what they like to use?
This is exactly why I will never buy an Apple product. They refuse to open up their platforms and treat their users as idiots. I love their laptop design, but I'm not a Hollywood metro-sexual: I actually use my computer for things besides e-mail. Apple has captured the "wealthy novice" part of the market, the problem is that they will never get beyond that, because most people are not willing to overpay just to be screwed.
One thing is clear, if Apple responds with another block of the Palm Pre, Apple sees the Palm Pre as a worthy competitor to their own products. If the Pre was just another phone they wouldn't need bother. I really hope the Pre becomes a great enough success that they can continue to out innovate Apple on the market for user friendly smart phones.
[citation][nom]platinum195[/nom]Exactly. Why should a company have to support other devices or software? I mean, Microsoft should block Safari from working in Windows, no one would care about that right?[/citation]

this will end with a fine from EU
Obviously a lot of you have a personal vendetta against Apple here. Apple released iTunes for a specific purpose and they never claimed that it should ever be used for anything other than that. How can you criticize a company for not letting their software be used for something other than it was intended to be used.
I don't know about you, but if I were a phone developer and I had two choices:

1) Write an app that parses an XML library and sends that information to my phone and requires the user to install the app on their PC in order to work.

2) Change the product ID that the phone looks like an iPod, saving me time and effort and more importantly removing the requirement for the user to install additional software.

Personally, I would choose #2. It certainly isn't illegal to change the product ID broad casted over USB. You might be able to argue that it is unethical, but I would counter that with the argument that it is more unethical for Apple to lock competing products out if that functionality. This is exactly the kind of behavior that Microsoft got in trouble for a good decade ago, having features that only MS products could access.
Palm Pre is fighting tooth and nail to work with Apple Products, and Apple is saying no way. Man no wonder Apple sucks so much. Its not like any of its competition does that, the more hardware they can get the better.
At start up Itunes was not designed to eliminate anyone's
hardware. This is something they have decided to do as of late. Itunes is a music store, it was designed to deliver music to anyone
who wanted to buy music. For what ever reason Apple has now decided it wants to play a cat and mouse game with Palm. This is not in the
ipod or palm pre consumers best interest. Apple needs to grow up and stop acting like a child. I suppose their already bitter their loseing their PC war against PC's so now their going to take their cat and mouse game to Itunes. I suppose were going to see childish comercials on TV where a guy has a palm pre and he's trying to hook it up to Itunes only to have an apple guy come up and say no no no little bunney if you want those buitiful tunes your going to have to turn cool and buy an Ipod. Fricken Stupid.............
I would like to know, why is it okay for apple to lock their software to their hardware? Didn't IBM get sued for doing the very same thing?
For the people saying Apple is in the right here... would you squawk if Microsoft:

1) Banned Itunes from using Windows
2) Banned OSX from using .doc formats
3) Banned Macs from running Windows?

Unless Microsoft got hit with anti-trust, Apple would whither and die.

I could care less about iTunes and Apple, and whatever they do or think is best for their herd (yes, herd). Apple isn't about serving their customer base, they're all about being served by little rich kids, or wanna be rich kids who still think that the Apple of today is anything close the real quality of what Apple used to be early on. Nobody NEEDS an Apple - that is marketing crap of how "oh i do photo editing so I need an iMac" LOL - really? Enjoy your fake PC that costed you double than what a real quality PC would have costed you! Man why am I so angry today? Sorry....
I know Apple developed the software and they have the right to block other devices, but just because they can doesn't mean they need to. My problem is, if I legally bought music from iTunes (I don't/won't), that music is mine. I shouldn't have to pay more for their proprietary hardware just so I can enjoy content I paid for. Would they rather people just keep using third party software to convert their files to something they can use?
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