This isn't specific enough to even pass to be a patient, theres no specifications, diameters, programing launage, measurements, or any thoughtfulness put into this "patient" OR I would patient people proactively attending schools for $45 a day for every day you go, and youd have to go because of governing laws.. It's so rediculious for someone to even write a patient like this one. This is so broad, that it wasn't even made by someone nearly technical enough to even to do any programming. It's writen by someone who thinks they made an idea, but if you were to sit them down in front of a computer, they wouldn't be able to write more than ten lines of code, where programs can easly reach thousands to millions of lines of code interworking together with each other. This is just assigning none sense. LOL.secondly, you can't have a monoply, and thats what this is. its basicly taxing an entire industry for desiging something for it that data carriers didn't even design in the first place. It's like walking inthe MIcrosoft head quarters and going, i designed windows, your so rediculous, and smoking so many drugs, your messed up. you haven't even started to fathum the amount of work you'd need to do. AND THIRDLY, I wrote this patient, not data carriers. I'm sueing data carriers once they win this patient infridgement with my twin brother (LOL @ FACEBOOK).