Pentax K30 DSLR all photos black


Aug 23, 2015
Hello, I have been encountering some problems recently with my Pentax k30. Whenever I take a photo, no matter where when or what lense I use (I have 2: the stock one and a macro one) the picture comes out mostly black with very few coloured areas. I have factory reset the camera multiple times and the problem still persists.

Any ideas guys?
All answers are much appreciated, Ajsski99
Are you using manual mode? If so try auto. It sounds as if your image is simply not being exposed correctly.

Exposure is governed by 3 variables on the camera (ISO, shutter speed and aperture) and of course the illumination on your subject. But if you set manual settings and set them too extreme, your image will look like you describe.

Aperture = the f-number. The larger the f-number the less light you let in, but the greater depth of field you have. The smaller the f-number the more light you let in and the thinner your DOF. A thin DOF is often desirable for subject isolation.
Shutter speed The smaller (or faster) your shutter speed the the less light you let in but the better you can freeze motion (eliminate camera shake and subject movement "motion blur"). The longer (or slower) your shutter speed the more light you let in but the more prone you are to blur from either camera shake or subject movement.
ISO The lower the ISO number the less you amplify the "light" (signal) but the better your image quality will be (less ISO noise and better dynamic range and color info). The higher the ISO number the more you amplify the "light" (signal) and the worse your image quality will be (more ISO noise and lower dynamic range and color info).

it is the same no matter what mode i put the camera in

What is your camera set to (ISO, aperture, shutter speed)?
Does the image you see change from VERY well lit subjects to less well lit ones?
Where are you viewing the images? Do they look the same on the rear LCD as they do on your PC?