Phone almost turns on the turns off...


May 24, 2013
I have a samsung galaxy exhibit 2... it trys to turn on but when its loading it blacks out... does anyone know what might be the problem in the phone? I am good with computers... im wondering if i can fix my phone...
Try flashing the stock firmware using recovery.
Is it on GB or ICS?

Anyway, download the stock rom
Put in the root of your sd card.
Enter recovery (To start Recovery (ClockworkMod) from power-off.: Press & hold Vol-Up, then press & hold Power. Shortly after the plain white Samsung logo appears, release both buttons. ClockworkMod should start after the color Samsung/T-Mobile Exhibit II logo.)
Boot into ClockworkMod. Flash file. That's it, phone is stock. Wipe Data/Cache/Dalvik prior to reboot.


Its not going past the plain white samsung logo...

Did all the wipes?
You have to wipe Data, Cache Partition and Dalvik Cache after flashing the ROM.
You flashed the ROM correctly, right?


The thing is that i cant even turn it on completely to be able to clear off anything... ill make a video of what is happening and post it on youtube... ill put the link here...

alright here's the video...