Photos of Atlanta Race Weekend



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Spent my weekend in Atlanta Georgia at the NASCAR events and took quite a
few pics. I've posted a good number of them (see links below.) If you're
into racing you might like them, if not you may find them a bit repetitive.
Admittedly the pics are of varied quality but there are a good number of
what I think are great pics through out.

These pics represent my first attempt at race photos with a (D)SLR camera,
so techniques like panning were all new to me. It took a little practice
but I think I got it down pretty good for my first time.

I've broken the pics down into separate galleries with my favorites in the
root gallery.

Here are the rest of the galleries.

Enjoy and as always comments are more then welcome.

Thanks, again to all those who gave their advice last week. It was very


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Robert R Kircher, Jr. wrote:

> Enjoy and as always comments are more then welcome.

Since you did a nice job panning, I'd suggest an even longer shutter
time to enhance the motion (1/100 .. 1/60 .. 1/30). Subject is about speed. emphasizes speed quite
well, a longer shutter speed would do even better if you're smooth.

Also do the opposite. Take a few frames of blurred cars, static
background, just to vary your portfolio a bit.

Some wider angle shots and/or shots of groups of cars battling it out
would have been nice (A lone leader is fine but the battles for 2nd/3rd
place may be more exciting in a photo).

I also liked your red and yellow tire shots, as well as your other
environment shots for the set.

For the B-1B, CH-47, and C-130 in a wide metering mode against the sky
you should have thrown on +1.7 to + 2.0 stops of EXP COMP. Instead you
got not so sharp silhouettes. Better yet, find an exposure that works,
set manual and copy the settings over ... consistency in exposure makes
a set look even better.


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Robert R Kircher, Jr. wrote:

> Spent my weekend in Atlanta Georgia at the NASCAR events and took quite a
> few pics. I've posted a good number of them (see links below.) If you're
> into racing you might like them, if not you may find them a bit repetitive.
> Admittedly the pics are of varied quality but there are a good number of
> what I think are great pics through out.


You should have got him in mid backflip 🙂

Great shots !
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Thanks for the feed back Alan, see my comments inline.

"Alan Browne" <> wrote in message
> Robert R Kircher, Jr. wrote:
>> Enjoy and as always comments are more then welcome.
> Since you did a nice job panning, I'd suggest an even longer shutter time
> to enhance the motion (1/100 .. 1/60 .. 1/30). Subject is about speed.
> emphasizes speed quite well,
> a longer shutter speed would do even better if you're smooth.

The one you pointed out was done the second day after I got more comfortable
with panning. I did deliberately cut the shutter speed back to get more
blur, however, as you can see the pic is a bit out of focus. Practice,
practice, practice I guess. I'm going to Richmond VA twice this year so
I'll get more practice there.

> Also do the opposite. Take a few frames of blurred cars, static
> background, just to vary your portfolio a bit.

I'll try that out.

> Some wider angle shots and/or shots of groups of cars battling it out
> would have been nice (A lone leader is fine but the battles for 2nd/3rd
> place may be more exciting in a photo).

I have a few of those in the On The Track gallery but I find the cars get
lost in the picture. Richmond is a smaller track so I was going to try to
get some closer shots of closer racing. Problem is those races are at night
so that just adds additional challenges.

> I also liked your red and yellow tire shots, as well as your other
> environment shots for the set.

Thanks, I like those tire shots as well. My father, who was with me,
thought I was nuts. ;-) My personal favorite is this one, The original full size image
is very crisp and the color is great. It could have used a bit more DoF but
I like it just the same.

> For the B-1B, CH-47, and C-130 in a wide metering mode against the sky you
> should have thrown on +1.7 to + 2.0 stops of EXP COMP. Instead you got
> not so sharp silhouettes. Better yet, find an exposure that works, set
> manual and copy the settings over ... consistency in exposure makes a set
> look even better.

Here is another thing I want to learn. I have not played much with EXP COMP
while shooting. I understand the concept but I'm not too sure where and
when to apply it. I have other pics of planes and they all do look the
same; silhouetted in the sky. I've played with the RAW images in Capture
One but haven't really been able to do much. I guess I'm going to have to
spend a day or two at the airport and just try different things with the
camera. I will go back to the RAW images and see if I can find a more
consistent set of adjustments and apply them to all the air pics.

Thanks again,

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Robert R Kircher, Jr. wrote:

> Here is another thing I want to learn. I have not played much with EXP COMP
> while shooting. I understand the concept but I'm not too sure where and
> when to apply it. I have other pics of planes and they all do look the

A basic understanding of the great weakness of camera exposure meters is
required: The meter thinks everything is 18% grey. So shooting a light
subject results in underexpsoure; shooting a dark subject results in
over exposure. The metering mode screws this up further when in wide
(matrix) views against simple subjects like aircraft in the sky (works
fine for the auto shots as there's a good mix of scene tones.

Put your camera in spot meter mode. Meter things against worn asphalt
(pretty close to 18% grey). You'll get the idea... the only 'good'
exposure for a given light is that of the 18% grey. Test various
subjects in the same light against 18% grey.

That's the basic 120 second course.

Once you get this in your system you'll find yourself figuring the light
out for a given scene, setting it manual and shooting for consistency in
exposure. Most cameras now have a means for keeping the exposure while
trading f/stops for shutter speed for composition reasons.


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"Jim Townsend" <not@real.address> wrote in message
> Robert R Kircher, Jr. wrote:
>> Spent my weekend in Atlanta Georgia at the NASCAR events and took quite a
>> few pics. I've posted a good number of them (see links below.) If
>> you're
>> into racing you might like them, if not you may find them a bit
>> repetitive.
>> Admittedly the pics are of varied quality but there are a good number of
>> what I think are great pics through out.
> You should have got him in mid backflip 🙂

If you look carefully, I did. Unfortunately, (and I have no idea why) I
pulled back on the zoom so the shot isn't as tight as I'd like.

> Great shots !




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In article <>,
"Robert R Kircher, Jr." <> wrote:

> Spent my weekend in Atlanta Georgia at the NASCAR events and took quite a
> few pics. I've posted a good number of them (see links below.) If you're
> into racing you might like them, if not you may find them a bit repetitive.
> Admittedly the pics are of varied quality but there are a good number of
> what I think are great pics through out.
> These pics represent my first attempt at race photos with a (D)SLR camera,
> so techniques like panning were all new to me. It took a little practice
> but I think I got it down pretty good for my first time.
> I've broken the pics down into separate galleries with my favorites in the
> root gallery.
> Here are the rest of the galleries.
> Enjoy and as always comments are more then welcome.

Road Atlanta is also a fun venue there.

I have to ask though, where are the pictures of the Georgia Peaches?


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On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 12:27:55 -0500, in "Robert R Kircher,
Jr." <> wrote:

>practice, practice I guess. I'm going to Richmond VA twice this year so
>I'll get more practice there.

If you like road racing at all, I highly recommend trying to get to the
Rolex VIR 400 Oct 9th. VIR is an awesome track with great photo ops.
Ed Ruf Lifetime AMA# 344007 (
See images taken with my CP-990/5700 & D70 at
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On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 11:24:11 -0500, "Robert R Kircher, Jr."
<> wrote:

>Spent my weekend in Atlanta Georgia at the NASCAR events and took quite a
>few pics. I've posted a good number of them (see links below.) If you're
>into racing you might like them, if not you may find them a bit repetitive.
>Admittedly the pics are of varied quality but there are a good number of
>what I think are great pics through out.
>These pics represent my first attempt at race photos with a (D)SLR camera,
>so techniques like panning were all new to me. It took a little practice
>but I think I got it down pretty good for my first time.
>I've broken the pics down into separate galleries with my favorites in the
>root gallery.
>Here are the rest of the galleries.

Good head shots. I didn't know there were female drivers in NASCAR.
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"Alan Browne" <> wrote in message
> RichA wrote:
>> Good head shots. I didn't know there were female drivers in NASCAR.
> Paul Tracy doesn't drive NASCAR.

Actually Paul and Richard Childress Racing have been doing the dance for
some time now. There are always heavy rumors that Paul will make the jump
to NASCAR in a RCR car.


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"Alan Browne" <> wrote in message
> Robert R Kircher, Jr. wrote:

> Put your camera in spot meter mode.

Minor point: 300D doesn't have it.
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Dave R knows who wrote:

> "Alan Browne" <> wrote in message
> news:d1saj3$2s2$
>>Robert R Kircher, Jr. wrote:
>>Put your camera in spot meter mode.
> Minor point: 300D doesn't have it.

I thought you had a camera? ;-)

Same advice as before, just use the weighted metering. Close enough if
you're closer to what you're metering.

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-- e-meil: there's no such thing as a FreeLunch.
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In message <>
"Robert R Kircher, Jr." <> wrote:

> ...
> These pics represent my first attempt at race photos with a (D)SLR camera,
> so techniques like panning were all new to me. It took a little practice
> but I think I got it down pretty good for my first time.
> I've broken the pics down into separate galleries with my favorites in the
> root gallery.
> Here are the rest of the galleries.

Superb first NASCAR track experience! My first
trip to the California Speedway (with a 300D)
pales in comparison. (not jealous...not jealous ;^)

Re The aircraft photos: That's what they look
like in person. Mine came out the same way at
the after Rose Parade float viewing with a
government supplied light gray white-out sky.

I prefer realism when it comes to the stealth
aircraft, others prefer "snap and pop".

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Robert R Kircher, Jr. wrote:

> Actually Paul and Richard Childress Racing have been doing the dance for
> some time now. There are always heavy rumors that Paul will make the jump
> to NASCAR in a RCR car.

Real men drive F-1.

(Runs... I really don't care about auto racing. Although I did take up
a corporate hosted ride on the Texas Speedway (regular auto no more
thatn 110 mph) and I still regret not taking the ride in an actual stock
car. [at night, in a pack of about 6 or 8 other cars ... looked like a

-- r.p.e.35mm user resource:
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-- e-meil: there's no such thing as a FreeLunch.
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"Alan Browne" <> wrote in message
> Robert R Kircher, Jr. wrote:
>> Actually Paul and Richard Childress Racing have been doing the dance for
>> some time now. There are always heavy rumors that Paul will make the
>> jump to NASCAR in a RCR car.
> Real men drive F-1.
> (Runs... I really don't care about auto racing. Although I did take up a
> corporate hosted ride on the Texas Speedway (regular auto no more thatn
> 110 mph) and I still regret not taking the ride in an actual stock car.
> [at night, in a pack of about 6 or 8 other cars ... looked like a blast]).

Its not a question of real men or which is better. IMHO They are different.
F1 results can often be determined prior to the race based on more static
strategies of things like fuel loads, pit strategies, etc. This is not a
bad thing. It's like playing a masters game of chess. On the other hand,
oval racing tends to be a more fluid form of racing where strategies have to
remain very flexible through out a race. Thinking, reacting and adapting to
an ever changing set of events and environment often affect the results over
some predefined race strategy.

In any event, I love all forms of motor racing and would love opportunities
to photograph different forms. But alas I don't see myself getting out to
Indy or over seas to photograph an F1 race. However, I will get a chance to
do a IRL race this year. Open wheel, but another oval race.

And BTW: if the opportunity ever presents itself for me to drive any race
car, I'd take it in a heart beat. ;-)


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Robert R Kircher, Jr. wrote:

> Its not a question of real men or which is better. IMHO They are different.
> F1 results can often be determined prior to the race based on more static

Don't take me too seriously. I *REALLY* don't care about auto racing, I
couldn't debate the merits of one over the merits of the other.

Paul Tracy could almost never win when Villeneuve (jr) was in the same
league (whatever its called). When Villeneuve left for F-1 then
suddenly Tracy's star could finally rise on occasion. ;-)

> strategies of things like fuel loads, pit strategies, etc. This is not a
> bad thing. It's like playing a masters game of chess. On the other hand,
> oval racing tends to be a more fluid form of racing where strategies have to
> remain very flexible through out a race. Thinking, reacting and adapting to
> an ever changing set of events and environment often affect the results over
> some predefined race strategy.

One thing that strikes me as silly is the qualifying round gets the top
car and racer to the pole position. AFAIC the more races you win, the
more you should have to start deeper in the pack and prove you are a
winner. Not have a tam mate spoiling attempts to catch and pass you (as
is sometimes the case in F1).


-- r.p.e.35mm user resource:
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-- e-meil: there's no such thing as a FreeLunch.
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In article <d1v2iv$1q$>,
Alan Browne <> wrote:
>Don't take me too seriously. I *REALLY* don't care about auto racing, I
>couldn't debate the merits of one over the merits of the other.

[and then proceeds to do exactly that 🙂]

I won't address the points raised here (even though I could drag
it back vaguely on-topic; I use my DSLR to shoot mostly motorsports).

If anybody cares, I'd be happy to discuss it in an appropriate forum.
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"John Francis" <> wrote in message
> In article <d1v2iv$1q$>,
> Alan Browne <> wrote:
>>Don't take me too seriously. I *REALLY* don't care about auto racing, I
>>couldn't debate the merits of one over the merits of the other.
> [and then proceeds to do exactly that 🙂]
> I won't address the points raised here (even though I could drag
> it back vaguely on-topic; I use my DSLR to shoot mostly motorsports).
> If anybody cares, I'd be happy to discuss it in an appropriate forum.

I would suggest or

nascar would be my first choice. ;-)



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John Francis wrote:

> In article <d1v2iv$1q$>,
> Alan Browne <> wrote:
>>Don't take me too seriously. I *REALLY* don't care about auto racing, I
>>couldn't debate the merits of one over the merits of the other.
> [and then proceeds to do exactly that 🙂]

Oh dear! I was just taking a couple happy potshots.

> If anybody cares, I'd be happy to discuss it in an appropriate forum.

How kind!


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-- e-meil: there's no such thing as a FreeLunch.