Pioneer VSX-43 surround


Jun 28, 2013
I just bought a Pioneer VSX-43 receiver. For the life of me, I cannot get the surround or surround back/zone 2 speakers to work. The speakers work when connected to the front terminals so I know it's a receiver/setting problem. Any advice?
i have a vsx-30 receiver...

what audio source are you using? are you sure it is surround sound?

set your receiver to auto surround.

when it detects surround sound it should select the right mode.

keep in mind that some movies are stereo only. some older movies, foreign movies and anime are all stereo. most music is also stereo.

also how are you connected to your source? what cables?
let me get this right.

you have two cables hooked up from tv to receiver.

are they rca cables?


typically you would use white and red though for audio. are they connected to a white and red colored port? specifically are they connected to the tv outputs and receiver inputs?

yellow is typically video and if you are using the tv tuner (which it seems that you are?) i dont know why you are using yellow as a tv output.


what i need from you is a list of every single device you plan to use as an input to your television and receiver such as a dvd player, computer, ps3, etcetera. list all input devices. it would be helpful if you list what output ports they have as well.

i would also like you to list all input and output ports on your television. at a bare minimum you can give a model number or give us the online link to the manual.

this will help us tell you how everything in whole should be hooked up.

for reference this is the back of the vsx-43 which we will be needing later once you get done listing all devices and getting back to us.



to be perfectly honest i've never used zone 2 on my receiver.

have you read the manual at all about setting up multi zone?

also here is a link which provides a little more insight on multi zone and receivers. click here to view
Thanks for your help. Here's where I am. I have the comcast cable box hooked to the receiver via hdmi cable and then the receiver hooked to the Vizio tv via an hdmi cable. The surround sound seems to work with this configuration. Does it sound right to run the cable tv through the receiver? It means the receiver controls the tv somewhat. I still can't figure out the multi zone.
I reviewed it and follow it a bit. Based on that thread, I now have the functionality to have either speaker A or speaker B or both A and B on the same audio source but not different sources. This is achieved by moving the outside speakers from the zone 2 terminals to the speaker B terminals. However, the goal is that someone could be watching TV and another person could be listening to radio outside. Will have to keep working on it.

I just bought one also. Same problem. I have the 5 channels set to surround and it is working as it should. The last two I have connected to speakers in another room and am wanting to have audio only playing and cannot get any sound out of the connections to zone 2. I would like an answer also.
i would suggest reading that thread i posted for butter.

my take on getting zone 2 to work with that particular reciever from skimming over it is that zone2 requires an analog connection or for speakers to be set to speakerB instead of zone2. read the link a few posts up for more information.

it sounds like a limitation of the receiver.
I am also struggling with this receiver, however my issue is a little different. I am using this strictly for music and can't figure out how to get music to play out of all 6 of my speakers equally. It is only sending full sound to the speakers hooked to front L and R. I can not seem to figure out how to change the setting from SP A to SP AB either. I have no television to hook it up to, is this an issue?