My PS3 died yesterday, a 60GB (i had just switched to a 320GB drive about 2 weeks ago)
its now dead.
So instead of flashy ads about the new consoles I rather see a longer warranty on Sony that can fix my unit for FREE no matter the cause. (other than someone breaking the console on purpose)
In my case I only play a few times a month, and on my chat with a Sony rep, I ask him that I wanted to talk with Customer Service, he said: I'm Customer Service to which I replied: You are NOT Customer Service, You are just a SALES REP. trying to SELL me either a 99 dollar inferior console (SLIM vs FAT) or a fix for 150 dollars.
Why should I pay for something that is a well known hardware error?
Its not my fault.
I'm trying to get it fix locally for a lot less money.
But SONY should step up and SERVICE its customers.
Bottom line any plans on getting a new PS4 have been postpone to maybe never.