M Minnyems Prominent Mar 14, 2017 1 0 510 Mar 14, 2017 #1 Please could you tell me or drop a link to the cheapest laptop that i can buy for playing g Sims 3 on, I have a Lenova at present but want a cheap laptop that will just be solely for Sims 3 and web link to play the game through origin
Please could you tell me or drop a link to the cheapest laptop that i can buy for playing g Sims 3 on, I have a Lenova at present but want a cheap laptop that will just be solely for Sims 3 and web link to play the game through origin
Solution hang-the-9 Mar 21, 2017 What are the specs on your Lenovo system? It can't handle Sims 3? What settings are you looking for? For good quality you can't really use a budget laptop, something with a 940m video card should run SIMS 3 pretty well at medium settings. Maybe this system with an A10 CPU https/www.amazon.com/HP-15-6-Inch-Touchscreen-Performance-A10-9600P/dp/B01N3861BA/ref=sr_1_3?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1490114799&sr=1-3&keywords=940m&refinements=p_n_condition-type%3A2224371011%2Cp_n_graphics_type_browse-bin%3A14292273011
What are the specs on your Lenovo system? It can't handle Sims 3? What settings are you looking for? For good quality you can't really use a budget laptop, something with a 940m video card should run SIMS 3 pretty well at medium settings. Maybe this system with an A10 CPU https/www.amazon.com/HP-15-6-Inch-Touchscreen-Performance-A10-9600P/dp/B01N3861BA/ref=sr_1_3?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1490114799&sr=1-3&keywords=940m&refinements=p_n_condition-type%3A2224371011%2Cp_n_graphics_type_browse-bin%3A14292273011
hang-the-9 Titan Mar 25, 2010 20,148 282 124,800 Mar 21, 2017 Solution #2 What are the specs on your Lenovo system? It can't handle Sims 3? What settings are you looking for? For good quality you can't really use a budget laptop, something with a 940m video card should run SIMS 3 pretty well at medium settings. Maybe this system with an A10 CPU https/www.amazon.com/HP-15-6-Inch-Touchscreen-Performance-A10-9600P/dp/B01N3861BA/ref=sr_1_3?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1490114799&sr=1-3&keywords=940m&refinements=p_n_condition-type%3A2224371011%2Cp_n_graphics_type_browse-bin%3A14292273011 Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
What are the specs on your Lenovo system? It can't handle Sims 3? What settings are you looking for? For good quality you can't really use a budget laptop, something with a 940m video card should run SIMS 3 pretty well at medium settings. Maybe this system with an A10 CPU https/www.amazon.com/HP-15-6-Inch-Touchscreen-Performance-A10-9600P/dp/B01N3861BA/ref=sr_1_3?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1490114799&sr=1-3&keywords=940m&refinements=p_n_condition-type%3A2224371011%2Cp_n_graphics_type_browse-bin%3A14292273011