POLL: How many good games must a system have ????????

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> Even though there was the odd bomb like those bad movie
> ports (Superman and Goldeneye)

GoldenEye rocks and I assume you're posting in sarcasm.
Archived from groups: rec.games.video.classic (More info?)

> Well I'm picking up N64's left and right from the thrifts, so at the
> price now, there's not really an excuse not to have one. I'm just now
> finding some games that I can really bond with. I have like over 60
> games I think though.. just haven't played them all.

Conker's Bad Fur day is a GREAT game. And another Rare game called Jetforce
Gemini looks to have great promise, though I have only played the first
level. You can't go wrong with the Zelda games either.
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In article <1113973922.540719.27970@z14g2000cwz.googlegroups.com>,
"The Space Boss" <drsmith666@aol.com> wrote:

> I think I understand what you're saying. If it has just ONE game that
> you like to play that is exclusive to the system, you can think of (the
> system) as a stand alone ARCADE machine, right?

Maybe because I am tired, but that doesn't make sense. The reason I
don't go for a ps/2 is because I don't trust the hardware. There as
several good games, a few of which are Sony exclusives, but as I
previously posted, I have concerns about the longevity of the hardware.

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i own for the ps2 (thats all i got):
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
25 to Life
Activision Anthology
Alien Hominid
Armored Core 2
Armored Core 2: Another Age
Armored Core 3
Armored Core: Nexus (2 disc game)
all of the devil may cry games
blade 2
blood omen 1&2
all ps2 gundam games
half life
god of war
Burnout 3: Takedown
all new ea games
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jt august wrote:
The reason I
> don't go for a ps/2 is because I don't trust the hardware. There as
> several good games, a few of which are Sony exclusives, but as I
> previously posted, I have concerns about the longevity of the
> jt

JT, the answer to your problem is a simple one: purchase your PS2
at BEST BUY - and get the "warranty" they offer. If ANYTHING goes wrong
with your PS2, you just take it back to the store and they give you a
brand new one, NO QUESTIONS ASKED, NO HASSLES. I can vouch for them.
In fact, I purchased mine in late 2001 when it was still $299. By
the time I had problems with it reading DVD's (it was my only DVD
player for a long time), the price had dropped to $199 - SO... the way
they have it set up is that they give you a REFUND for your system, and
then charge you for a NEW one. That meant that I got $100 store credit,
AND a brand new playstation 2(which still works flawlessly all these
years later).

In fact, I don't think I'd ever buy a game system anyplace else but
Best Buy - you have TRUE PEACE OF MIND with that warranty let me tell
Archived from groups: rec.games.video.classic (More info?)

In article <1114586571.722285.183670@f14g2000cwb.googlegroups.com>,
"The Space Boss" <drsmith666@aol.com> wrote:

> JT, the answer to your problem is a simple one: purchase your PS2
> at BEST BUY - and get the "warranty" they offer. If ANYTHING goes wrong
> with your PS2, you just take it back to the store and they give you a
> brand new one, NO QUESTIONS ASKED, NO HASSLES. I can vouch for them.

So, to protect myself from Sony's willfully malignant engineering, I
need to spend more money up front?

Let's see, I have 61 computers, 58 game consoles, 12 handheld systems,
18 add-on systems (this is things line Sega CD and the 2600 adapters to
my 5200 and CV, and 31 pong clones. I got all my systems except my
first Sony psx, my SNES and my very first game, my O^2, used. The O^2
and spx were Christmas gifts, and the SNES I got the first Christmas it
was out for $108 due to a fluke local price war. But to protect me long
term, I need to buy a ps/2 new so that I can in turn give Best Buy more

And then this warranty runs out in two years, but with so many consoles,
I don't use it enough to kill it for three years, by which time the p3
will be out and Sony won't repair dead ps/2's anymore anyway.

As a collector, I see this as a lose-lose scenario. I'll wait for the
ps/2 II to prove its reliability before I consider it, and then I will
acquire a working ps/2 Mk. I and - like my Sega CD1 - I will have it but
use the newer model for practical purposes.

Archived from groups: rec.games.video.classic (More info?)

"The Space Boss" <drsmith666@aol.com> wrote in

> jt august wrote:
> The reason I
>> don't go for a ps/2 is because I don't trust the hardware. There as
>> several good games, a few of which are Sony exclusives, but as I
>> previously posted, I have concerns about the longevity of the
> hardware.
>> jt
> JT, the answer to your problem is a simple one: purchase your PS2
> at BEST BUY - and get the "warranty" they offer. If ANYTHING goes
> with your PS2, you just take it back to the store and they give you a
> brand new one, NO QUESTIONS ASKED, NO HASSLES. I can vouch for them.
> In fact, I purchased mine in late 2001 when it was still $299. By
> the time I had problems with it reading DVD's (it was my only DVD
> player for a long time), the price had dropped to $199 - SO... the way
> they have it set up is that they give you a REFUND for your system,
> then charge you for a NEW one. That meant that I got $100 store
> AND a brand new playstation 2(which still works flawlessly all these
> years later).
> In fact, I don't think I'd ever buy a game system anyplace else but
> Best Buy - you have TRUE PEACE OF MIND with that warranty let me tell
> ya........

Space Boss and I agree about as often as Nintendo releases e-Reader
cards, but in this case, I have to agree. Although, in my case, I do
my shopping at Circuit City. The PS2 has such a poor track record that
I didn't think twice about getting the CityAdvantage plan on it. A
little more money, but it's worth it to not have to depend on Sony's
support. I went down that path once, and I will never again purchase a
Sony product without some form of vendor coverage. Even something as
piddly as a Playstation.


Aaron J. Bossig

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I assumed it was obvious, especially with the 'Kasumi Ninja is the best
fighting game ever' bits, but alas.. I guess it wasn't.

No, Mace wasn't very good either.

= numsix
= http://www.villagebbs.com
Archived from groups: rec.games.video.classic (More info?)

jt august wrote:

> So, to protect myself from Sony's willfully malignant engineering, I
> need to spend more money up front?

ANY system with MOVEABLE PARTS and a laser is going to break down
eventually. It's the nature of the beast. Stop making excuses, if you
don't want a PS2, then you don't want one. That's OK.

> Let's see, I have 61 computers, 58 game consoles, 12 handheld
> 18 add-on systems (this is things line Sega CD and the 2600 adapters
> my 5200 and CV, and 31 pong clones. I got all my systems except my
> first Sony psx, my SNES and my very first game, my O^2, used. The
> and spx were Christmas gifts, and the SNES I got the first Christmas
> was out for $108 due to a fluke local price war.

Where do you keep all this stuff? 61 computers? That sounds a bit
eccentric to me.

> And then this warranty runs out in two years, but with so many
> I don't use it enough to kill it for three years, by which time the
> will be out and Sony won't repair dead ps/2's anymore anyway.
> As a collector, I see this as a lose-lose scenario. I'll wait for
> ps/2 II to prove its reliability before I consider it, and then I
> acquire a working ps/2 Mk.

I dunno... I don't think about all this stuff, I just pop in Tekken 5
and let the good times roll!!
Archived from groups: rec.games.video.classic (More info?)

jt august wrote:

> Ah, well that has more to do with how my hobby is currently taking
> I have a nice, big basement, and am slowing working towards the video

> playground.

COOL! Sounds like what I am doing. What is the approximate sqare
footage of your basement?

There is a lard storage room, where I will install
> compacted collection shelves.

What is a "lard storage room"?

> The other half of the basement is the utility room that will also be
> fixed up as a second kitchen (I love to cook also).

What is the total square footage of your home?

> BTW: this house is not a ranch style. That was one mandate when I
> house shopping, no ranches. I needed the space.
> jt

OK, when I don't know something, I'm just going to ask: what is a ranch
style home? I've heard the term before but I really don't know what
that means?
Archived from groups: rec.games.video.classic (More info?)

In article <1114667461.185306.270650@l41g2000cwc.googlegroups.com>,
"The Space Boss" <drsmith666@aol.com> wrote:

> Where do you keep all this stuff? 61 computers? That sounds a bit
> eccentric to me.

Ah, well that has more to do with how my hobby is currently taking me.
I have a nice, big basement, and am slowing working towards the video
playground. There is a lard storage room, where I will install
compacted collection shelves. These are shelves on tracks that can
slide left and right to maximize space efficiency by only having one row
at a time wide enough to walk in.

In the main room, the front half will have two rows of couch seating and
a custom coffee table to set up game consoles on, and the back half will
be arranged for the computers. Many dups (most entries in the Atari
8-bit family, the C=64 family, the Apple ][ family, etc) will be
displayed on decorative shelves, as will up to three arcade games (one
of which is a sit down Starrider LVD game from Williams).

The other half of the basement is the utility room that will also be
fixed up as a second kitchen (I love to cook also).

BTW: this house is not a ranch style. That was one mandate when I was
house shopping, no ranches. I needed the space.

Archived from groups: rec.games.video.classic (More info?)

In article <1114895679.204165.318050@g14g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>,
"The Space Boss" <drsmith666@aol.com> wrote:

> There is a lard storage room, where I will install
> > compacted collection shelves.
> What is a "lard storage room"?

It is how you spell large when you are very tired.

> >
> > The other half of the basement is the utility room that will also be
> > fixed up as a second kitchen (I love to cook also).
> What is the total square footage of your home?

Listed as 2150, but this does not reflect the basement, which is just
over 1600 by itself.

> >
> > BTW: this house is not a ranch style. That was one mandate when I
> was
> > house shopping, no ranches. I needed the space.
> >
> > jt
> OK, when I don't know something, I'm just going to ask: what is a ranch
> style home? I've heard the term before but I really don't know what
> that means?

Ranch homes have all the bedrooms on the same floor as the living room
kitchen and dinette/dining room. Split level ranches have the bedrooms
up a half flight (6 to 8 foot rise) from the other rooms.

Ranches can be on a slab (no basement) or a sunken foundation (which
doesn't necessarily mean you have a basement).

My house is a 1 1/2 story, meaning that upstairs bedrooms are built into
the house's roof/attic area. In this case, the upstairs was built for
two rooms, not that rooms were squeezed into the attic area.
