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More info?)
In article <>,
"The Space Boss" <> wrote:
> JT, the answer to your problem is a simple one: purchase your PS2
> at BEST BUY - and get the "warranty" they offer. If ANYTHING goes wrong
> with your PS2, you just take it back to the store and they give you a
> brand new one, NO QUESTIONS ASKED, NO HASSLES. I can vouch for them.
So, to protect myself from Sony's willfully malignant engineering, I
need to spend more money up front?
Let's see, I have 61 computers, 58 game consoles, 12 handheld systems,
18 add-on systems (this is things line Sega CD and the 2600 adapters to
my 5200 and CV, and 31 pong clones. I got all my systems except my
first Sony psx, my SNES and my very first game, my O^2, used. The O^2
and spx were Christmas gifts, and the SNES I got the first Christmas it
was out for $108 due to a fluke local price war. But to protect me long
term, I need to buy a ps/2 new so that I can in turn give Best Buy more
And then this warranty runs out in two years, but with so many consoles,
I don't use it enough to kill it for three years, by which time the p3
will be out and Sony won't repair dead ps/2's anymore anyway.
As a collector, I see this as a lose-lose scenario. I'll wait for the
ps/2 II to prove its reliability before I consider it, and then I will
acquire a working ps/2 Mk. I and - like my Sega CD1 - I will have it but
use the newer model for practical purposes.