Power Issues on Acer 7750G-9656

Aaron Stewart

May 12, 2013
Hello, I have a question pertaining to a Acer 7750G-9656. I've had it for two years now and for the last half a year, it has been having power issues.

The battery will charge just fine, as long as I'm not using the notebook. I have to keep it in power saving mode in order for the laptop to be considered "plugged in" and I can't do anything power consuming. If I do, the laptop beeps and the power light flashes, it completely cuts off the AC power and goes to battery. It has been getting on my nerves lately.

I have recently bought a new charger for it that works fine on other laptops but not on this one.

Any ideas on what is wrong with it and how I can fix it?

Thanks in advance


Feb 10, 2010
Do you have any of the Acer utilities (on your laptop or downloadable) that does a test on the battery? I know Dell and HP does, and when I run the util on my wife's HP, it shows me that the battery has a bad cell.

I'd look through the bloatware that came with your laptop or try Acer's site for something like that, or even a google search for some 3rd party battery tester should Acer not provide one.
The first thing I thought of was the charger, but after that you have bought a new charger the problem persists, now the problem is for sure the charging circuit or some component around it. Sorry I didn't warn you of the charging circuit and components before.