Hi, my name is Jay. Ive had my lapt0p f0r a while n0w, and recently s0me 0f the keys 0n my keyb0ard have st0pped functi0ning and i have had t0 res0rt t0 using alternate keys, 0n screen keyb0ard, and c0py and paste. The keys that d0nt w0rk are: o, backspace, delete, escape, enter, and f6-f12.
i have tried s0lving this issue with b0th hardware and s0ftware s0luti0ns such as cleaning under keycaps and uninstall/reinstall drivers, fac reset, etc. I w0uld b00t int0 safe m0de but i cant access any keys t0 get int0 bi0s. please help. als0, what i find 0dd, is if i have a game running in the backgr0und such as f0rtnite f0r ab0ut 5 minutes 0r s0 then minimize it and keep it running, the keys w0rk n0rmally, as if the game makes the keys w0rk.
i have tried s0lving this issue with b0th hardware and s0ftware s0luti0ns such as cleaning under keycaps and uninstall/reinstall drivers, fac reset, etc. I w0uld b00t int0 safe m0de but i cant access any keys t0 get int0 bi0s. please help. als0, what i find 0dd, is if i have a game running in the backgr0und such as f0rtnite f0r ab0ut 5 minutes 0r s0 then minimize it and keep it running, the keys w0rk n0rmally, as if the game makes the keys w0rk.