Pr0blems with my keyb0ard n0t w0rking

Jun 16, 2018
Hi, my name is Jay. Ive had my lapt0p f0r a while n0w, and recently s0me 0f the keys 0n my keyb0ard have st0pped functi0ning and i have had t0 res0rt t0 using alternate keys, 0n screen keyb0ard, and c0py and paste. The keys that d0nt w0rk are: o, backspace, delete, escape, enter, and f6-f12.
i have tried s0lving this issue with b0th hardware and s0ftware s0luti0ns such as cleaning under keycaps and uninstall/reinstall drivers, fac reset, etc. I w0uld b00t int0 safe m0de but i cant access any keys t0 get int0 bi0s. please help. als0, what i find 0dd, is if i have a game running in the backgr0und such as f0rtnite f0r ab0ut 5 minutes 0r s0 then minimize it and keep it running, the keys w0rk n0rmally, as if the game makes the keys w0rk.

yo fam, ive basically solved the issue because i didnt wanna pay for the repair\replacement, so i bought a external keyboard and mouse so my laptop can operate similar to a desktop. it works fine but when i want to watch youtube on my monitor with my laptop shut youtube freezes. everything else works A plus exept video streaming. maybe an easy solution but google wont help me and im clueless. itd be cool if you could help me out
Jun 16, 2018

External keyboards work fine and no malware, scanned the day it happened and right after I received this reply
Jun 16, 2018

Alienware 15 rs
Not sure about the defective model though, as it works when certain programs are open in th3 background and used to work fine 100% of the time but I'll try to contact Dell to see if I can get it replaced but I believe it's a software issue.
Jun 16, 2018

i have indeed checked, and all seems right, and n0t sure h0w that may have g0tten changed unintentimally. appreciate the help y0uve 0ffered me but i think i might just have t0 get a replacement :(
Jun 16, 2018

yo fam, ive basically solved the issue because i didnt wanna pay for the repair\replacement, so i bought a external keyboard and mouse so my laptop can operate similar to a desktop. it works fine but when i want to watch youtube on my monitor with my laptop shut youtube freezes. everything else works A plus exept video streaming. maybe an easy solution but google wont help me and im clueless. itd be cool if you could help me out