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I `ve had a Coship 3188c blind search receiver for about 9 months.No
problems at all.
In menu you set up( install ) your satellites.C band and ku must be
seperated as each one uses a different LO.
Set the ku sat to 10750 and save.Then blind scan that sat.You`ll be fine.
"Caleb Thomas" <> wrote in message
> I'll have to try the Primestar dish then

> Just got a Coship 3188 today. It is fine on Cband but when I do a
> search with a Ku LNB(not aimed) it reverts to 3700 to 4200MHz. I put
> 10700to 11750 in it but it always searches Cband...Hmmm
> Any Ideas?
> Ben
> On Wed, 21 Apr 2004 15:59:18 -0700, "observer"
> <> wrote:
> >I have a few of these Primestar dish/lnb combos.They get everything that
> >fta...except the sats that are for Directv and Dish .They use a circular
> >lnb.I attached one of those to the side of my primestar lnb and voila!
> >
> >"Caleb Thomas" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> Anyone know what freq the old primestar lnb's are on? I'm thinking
> >> 950-1450?
> >>
> >> Ben
> >>
> >