(U.S.) G6 Play vs. J7 2018 vs. A6 2018 for a new/basic user?


Dec 11, 2014
I realize this is a loaded question, but I have a serious case of decision-indecision and could really use some external opinions, especially after doing weeks of research and hemming/hawing with no resolution in sight.

Now, don't laugh... I still own a fliphone but am (finally?) looking to switch to a smartphone after realizing it'd be handy in some situations. I don't envision myself being a power user: basically I'm just looking for making calls, maybe some video calls, web browsing, email, texting, GPS while driving, possibly Pandora. I don't play mobile games and prefer an old-fashioned camera, so those don't really factor into my decision.

And this is where the indecision paralysis factors in. I've been leaning towards the G6 Play for positives like it being basic/no-frills (a plus in my mind), the battery, lack of bloat, etc. but then come across a review saying it's slow or laggy and I second-guess myself. I believe Samsung's 2018 J/A models are comparable in overall experience and specs; I can't seem to differentiate them enough to make a decision.

Can anyone offer personal insight/experiences with either of the three, or maybe even if you have personal comparisons? Just anything to help me decide? =D

I'd be happy to offer up more info or details on what I'm looking for, if it'd help...

Thanks very much.
What's wrong with flip phones? I have both actually (flip and smart) and I am not giving up that phone any time soon. :) While smartphones are great, and you can do lots of things on them, they also can keep you from 'being where you are'. I know that sounds a little strange, but every time I go out I see something interesting and when I look around, no one else notices, they are buried in their phones.

Just saying, don't dis the flip phone. 😉 LOL

In regard to the phone choices... while I am really a Samsung fan. They do make good phones. I think the G6 would be better for you.

That is my two cents.

Anyone else?
Thanks for the reply!

Absolutely nothing, I'm with you there. :) Personally, I only really ever turn my current cell on when I'm out on errands so my spouse can get in touch with me, and have been known to misplace it around the house for a week or two before finding it--it's just not a big part of my life.

So the switch to a smartphone is more for convenience--being able to pull up store coupons while I'm grocery shopping, texting faster than having to press each number key multiple times for one letter (I won't miss that about the flipphone...), and so on.

Not strange at all, I completely agree. I'm extremely cognizant of the widespread zombie-like "staring at our screen" mentality and absolutely will not become that, no matter what technology I own. 😉 Like I said above, it's more of a "shoot, I left X at home and I wish I could look up that information right now" convenience.

Just to clarify, you mean the G6 Play, yeah? Because I've seen mentions of the G6 (no moniker) but it doesn't look like AT&T carries that in the US, at least on the monthly plans.

Thanks again.