Problem with HDMI


Jun 5, 2017
Hello everyone,
I have problem with sound on my TV when I connect it with PC (HDMI cable connection). Two HDMI cable (PC and TV) I put in T-09 (HDMI splitter) and connect it with PC. I have sound at my speakes but I don't have sound on TV. When I connect TV HDMI cable directly on PC, I have sound on TV. The problem is I must use T-09, because I have only one HDMI spot on my graphic card. Can anyone help?
Ty in advance....

What is the model name of your speaker system? Does it have HDMI pass through?

Usually with HDMI pass-through you would connect pc to your speaker system HDMI-in and
connect HDMI-out to your TV.

Edit. I'm not exactly sure, what you want to achieve there. Do you want sound on your speakers or do you want sound on TV or on both?
I want both. My PC speakers are Logitech Z series, and I they don't have HDMI. Speakers working well, the problem is that TV sound doesn't. Ofc, only with splitter, because when I connect HDMI TV cable directly to PC, I have sound on TV, but that's not what I trying to achieve....
Then I don't understand your need to use any splitters.

If you have another HDMI device to connect to your PC, then use converter DVI->HDMI or DisplayPort->HDMI. Your graphics card most likely has some of DVI or DP outputs.

Edit: BTW - both sound outputs will not work simultaneously. Sound either goes to pc speakers or to HDMI device.