ps4 yes or no


I would recommend you get whatever platform your friends play on, I am a pc gamer so I am going to be biased for pc and Im sure most other toms members will be as well. But in my opinion gaming is the most fun when playing with friends. I prefer pc for a laundry list of reasons, but the most important is its the platform most of my friends play games on.
Were you considering something else? How am I supposed to answer this? Like said above if you want it buy it. Were you considering a PS4 pro? A PC? An xbox? Xbox scorpio? A better question would be should i get a ps4 or...

Just the standard ps4 and I do have a PC

A friend of mine is really pumped up because he has one and got me pumped up about getting one

I would recommend you get whatever platform your friends play on, I am a pc gamer so I am going to be biased for pc and Im sure most other toms members will be as well. But in my opinion gaming is the most fun when playing with friends. I prefer pc for a laundry list of reasons, but the most important is its the platform most of my friends play games on.

Wise words
Most of us here, including me, belong to the PC master race.
However, this is about preferences.
If yo have other preference, it is your choice.
Looking around among your friends to check, the majority have what, is also important.
Just do not forget, you need a PC/laptop definitely regardless, if you wanna play on it or not.


I belong to the pc master race too.I am pc all the way.It has so much more than the console has.But I do like the concept of console gaming too.I want to buy it because a friend of mine pumped me up about it and I wondered is the hype truly worth it thats all.