PUBG low fps on lenovo laptop


Apr 29, 2017
hello, im using Lenovo Y50-70 with this specs:
GeForce GTX860M
Intel i7-4710HQ @2.50GHz
16 GB of RAM

When i play pubg with my laptop it only have about 5-15 fps on all very low setting. Sometimes it can reach about 60-80 fps, but only when there are no people around me. I know my specs is not good enough to play the game, but my friend using the 960M and i7-4720 version and it can run about 50-60 fps on low-med setting.
Any ideas how to make the game playable like 30-40 fps, maybe like overclock (I dont know if my laptop can be overclocked) or something? Thanks
Overclocking on a laptop? --- forget it, the very simple BIOS on laptops don't have any OC settings, since it would cause overheating which non-gaming laptops can't cope with, leading to instability and unexpected shutdowns.

And please don't start two threads for the same question in future - - - :no:


is there any other way to improve laptop performance