Quadrophonic speaker setup


Aug 26, 2011

Basically, I need some advice on how to achieve a quadrophonic speaker setup with my PC using the motherboards on-board soundcard and two sets of speakers.

I'm wanting to use my current PC speakers (already powered), with my PC monitor on one side of the room, and a set of floor-standing speakers with my television on the other side of the room. I'm yet to purchase the floor-standers and I'm sure I will also have to purchase an amplifier for it(?).

I'm wondering if it's viable to put both speaker sets through one jack input using a 3.5mm stereo splitter?

Any speaker or amp recommendations?? Any advice on wattage etc.??

Also, I'm going to need a 3.5mm extension for it to reach the floor speakers - will this effect sound quality much along with the splitter?

I'd be really grateful for any tips and/or recommendations!


In your setup you are asking for two sets of stereo speakers - one active when at the PC and another set when watching the TV. Personally I'd set the TV speakers on the jack on the back of the PC and control the front speakers using the front headphone socket.

Thanks for your reply but I realise that it wouldn't be true surround. I'm not trying to achieve that, just stereo quadrophonic.

Sorry, I should have been more clear - I'm wanting them to play simultaneously. I only use the TV as a PC monitor.

That won't work, if you plug something in the headphone jacks, the speaker jacks shut off.

A simple splitter will do it, just get a regular cable to convert the 3.5mm jack to a RCA audio cable and run that to a LINE IN on the amplifier.
Making this happen is easy but why? if you just want front back stereo sound use headphones... If you want sound all around you get a 5.1 or 7.1 surround you will have a much more engrossing effect for everything you do... Ok dont use the current computer speakers run either the headphone jacks or SPDIF (Digital) connection to the AMP (Stereo you purchase) then use that to run however many speakers you want even 4 speaker setup will sound beter if you let the stereo control the encoding Dolby ect.. I have this setup for a home theater setup.

The use for this is to have two zones of stereo sound. If you set up a surround sound system you'll just have left and right from the first set, and the other set only has the surround sound. If you want the same sound in two or more different areas, you'd use the quadrophonic setup. Or just get a "larger" sound from the 4 speakers.

Many replies to this post are doing so thinking the OP wants to have "surround" sound, which is not the case. He specifically wants stereo sounds from 2 different sets of speakers.

You can configure it in software that the headphone jack doesn't shut off and play two audio streams simultaneously.

Thanks for your answers.

Will a splitter noticeably affect sound quality?

Also, could I technically buy any amp for any speaker set or are there certain requirements e.g. wattage?

How about Mission m33i with a Cambridge Topaz AM1?

I can get the speakers for £130 and the amp for £70. I'm pretty clueless when it comes to powering the speakers so was wondering if they were even compatible in terms of wattage?
Amp wise you're below even the recommended watts of the speakers but if you plan on playing at low/medium volume you mightbe ok. As long as the amp shuts itself down before blowing the speakers you could test it out. What is the return policy? Any other ideas for amps?

PS: edit. I wanted to add this because I mentioned it on your other post about dynamic headroom. This will explain it better than me typing out a long wall of text. link:http://www.axiomaudio.com/dynamicheadroom

I'm going to the shop to test them out later today. I'm only going to be using them in a small room anyway, so they won't be played loud!