V vincentaka Prominent Sep 22, 2017 1 0 510 Sep 22, 2017 #1 does Facebook keep hold of message you delete 5years ago
COLGeek Cybernaut Moderator Apr 6, 2009 6,608 306 38,490 Sep 22, 2017 Solution #2 Not likely, no. Why would they? Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
O olat_dragneel Commendable Sep 25, 2016 1 0 1,510 Sep 23, 2017 #3 I see no reason for them to keep it, but if they do it would be simple. Who knows what they use our data for. Upvote 0 Downvote
I see no reason for them to keep it, but if they do it would be simple. Who knows what they use our data for.
rohan.vaddiparty Prominent Sep 8, 2017 8 0 520 Sep 24, 2017 #4 Theory is that they do have a backup of every message ever sent via Facebook. But you cant access it unless given Legal Permission. ( Court Hearings ). I always have a feeling they'll deny it. Upvote 0 Downvote
Theory is that they do have a backup of every message ever sent via Facebook. But you cant access it unless given Legal Permission. ( Court Hearings ). I always have a feeling they'll deny it.