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Sep 7, 2017
I Have HP Pavillon Desktop with 2TB HDD and 12 GB RAM with i5 intel processor. Can I run Gta 5 smoothly. It is newly released.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Monitor: Asus - VS238H-P 23.0" 1920x1080 Monitor ($161.50 @ Vuugo)
Total: $161.50
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-09-20 17:54 EDT-0400

And for the PC


Something along these lines. A midrange i5, a GTX 1060/RX 480/RX 580, and a case that means you can upgrade parts as you need to rather than have to start fresh. You'll crush games at 1080p, far more than an All-in-One.


It's almost certainly no, if you're talking 1080p at reasonable settings/fps. There's a range from terrible to literal slideshow, depending on what integrated GPU your i5 has (though I do find it slightly weird to not know what you just purchased).
HP Pavilion with i5 processor with details attached below

You'll get about 15-30 FPS at 800x600 at the lowest settings with that integrated GPU. So, no, not really. Do you still have the option to return this PC? This is an all-in-one so there's essentially nothing you can do to make this into something you can game on; it's essentially a very immobile basic laptop with a large screen.

Sometimes when we've learned a thing or two about an extremely large and complex subject, we tend to forget that other folks, who might be a darned sight smarter than we are, but not necessarily in our specialist subject. It is for just that situation that Tom's exists.

The OP asked a question in advance of receiving his purchase and didn't need to be told it was a bad buy for that specific game. Is not a "literal slideshow" just a tad over the top in the circumstances?

He clearly wants to run GTA V well or he wouldn't have asked. It's not a value judgment; but he likely has a limited window for the option to exchange for something that better fits his needs. And yes, the integrated GPU on an Nehalem i5 *would* *literally* be a slideshow in GTA V. I'm not going to lie to the guy.

Hey man,
I actually ended up returning that pc with the i5. Now I'm probably going to get a pc which is also an all in one and has very good specs compared to the other one I returned. Here are the specs. Intel core i7 6th gen, 16 GB RAM, NVIDIA geforce GTX 950M, graphics card, 2GB Dedicated Video Memory, 1TB HDD. Can I run GTA 5 smoothly in this pc at very high or Medium Setting. Here is a link which will give a better idea!


I would recommend not getting an all-in-one; it has all the disadvantages of a laptop combined with the disadvantages of a desktop as they're nearly impossible to upgrade meaningfully. This will not run GTA V well at 1080p, though it will if you can use 720p or 768p.




What's your budget and your location?

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