Question about Power Consumption


Mar 13, 2009
Hi, I'm just wondering, my Sony 5.1 system (about 5 years old) stays on all day. Noticed the other day it was warm to the touch, about 15 degrees warmer than room temp. Only no music or sound of any kind had been played in the last 2 hours. How much do these things consume? I always thought if there was no sound coming out it wouldn't waste electricity. I want a kill-a-watt gadget bad. Does anyone happen to have one they could use to find out the answer? Or know it off the top? THanks alot!
Regular VOM Volt Ohm Meter have Amp meter too but that could be risky to test the current.

A professional electrical testing equipment is better for this as it does not need to be plugin to measure current, and by using Ohms Law in conjunction with Joules Law P = V * I ( power = volts multiplied by current) you will get wattage.

Check instantaneous electrical power here:
My Denon amplifier pulls nearly 100W when powered on, whether or not something is being played. I'd say the best way to go would be to power it off when you aren't using it.